i, normally, love my kids’ pediatrician. he can’t remember seeing us from one day to the next, but he is great at catching diagnoses that other families i have talked with did not have as much luck with.
today, my baby is sick. she has been sick since thursday when i took her to the doc then with a temp over 106 degrees (that was as high as my mercury thermometer would go). he ordered a blood and urine workup on her and she has a kidney infection. (this part is what makes him a great doc, others might have just told us to wait a few days)
so yesterday, we go back to the doc to get her started on antibiotics. she gets a shot that would make me pass out, and a 'script to begin this morning. so my mom gives her the pastey ceftin liquid and she immediately vomits twice.
call the pediatrician and get the answering service, so i tell them to page the doc. a nurse calls me back and tells me that there are office hours from 9-12 today, call the doc in the office then. i call at 9:05. still answering service. i call at 9:30, 9:45, 10:00, 10:30, 10:45, and finally ask the service to page the doc again. this time they are not so nice (well, they weren’t supposed to be answering the phones for him…). and the nurse calls me back again.
i say, look, i tried calling the office, but the service is still answering, i need a doc to tell me what to do. do i need a new 'script? do i need to go to the ER? try again? what?
so the doc finally calls back and says to try giving the ceftin again. they (my mom, dad, and her daddy) try again. same exact thing. call back, twice, before he returns the call. he finally tells them to take her to the hospital for another shot. but he doesn’t give her a new 'script he says the ER people will show them how to give her the medicine. funny, she took the advil and tylenol just fine. and i didn’t know that a baby’s tummy rumbled when she spits something out, as he suggested as a reason other that vomiting for the medicine coming back up. even though a quick web search shows vomiting as a possible side effect of the suspention liquid form of ceftin.
completely pissed? you betcha. i don’t want her to have to get another heinous shot, for fuck’s sake. and what about tomorrow? another? god, i can’t beleive i am fucking stuck here at work…