i will request analingus if this happens again (my baby is sick!)

i, normally, love my kids’ pediatrician. he can’t remember seeing us from one day to the next, but he is great at catching diagnoses that other families i have talked with did not have as much luck with.


today, my baby is sick. she has been sick since thursday when i took her to the doc then with a temp over 106 degrees (that was as high as my mercury thermometer would go). he ordered a blood and urine workup on her and she has a kidney infection. (this part is what makes him a great doc, others might have just told us to wait a few days)

so yesterday, we go back to the doc to get her started on antibiotics. she gets a shot that would make me pass out, and a 'script to begin this morning. so my mom gives her the pastey ceftin liquid and she immediately vomits twice.

call the pediatrician and get the answering service, so i tell them to page the doc. a nurse calls me back and tells me that there are office hours from 9-12 today, call the doc in the office then. i call at 9:05. still answering service. i call at 9:30, 9:45, 10:00, 10:30, 10:45, and finally ask the service to page the doc again. this time they are not so nice (well, they weren’t supposed to be answering the phones for him…). and the nurse calls me back again.

i say, look, i tried calling the office, but the service is still answering, i need a doc to tell me what to do. do i need a new 'script? do i need to go to the ER? try again? what?

so the doc finally calls back and says to try giving the ceftin again. they (my mom, dad, and her daddy) try again. same exact thing. call back, twice, before he returns the call. he finally tells them to take her to the hospital for another shot. but he doesn’t give her a new 'script he says the ER people will show them how to give her the medicine. funny, she took the advil and tylenol just fine. and i didn’t know that a baby’s tummy rumbled when she spits something out, as he suggested as a reason other that vomiting for the medicine coming back up. even though a quick web search shows vomiting as a possible side effect of the suspention liquid form of ceftin.

completely pissed? you betcha. i don’t want her to have to get another heinous shot, for fuck’s sake. and what about tomorrow? another? god, i can’t beleive i am fucking stuck here at work…

If she’s still running a fever that high, I’d be taking her to the ER immediately. I don’t have kids and I know that they can run high fevers, but that seems abnormally high. Have you tried giving her a smaller dose of the Ceftin? Maybe it’d be easier for her little tummy to take if it was in a smaller dose.

Poor kid. I hope she feels better soon.


106 degrees Fahrenheit is enough to break down the protiens in the central nervous system even in an adult.

Take that kid to a hospital.

I’sorry about your kid, but what’s with the asking for the analingus?

Hope your baby gets well soon. As a non-parent, I can only relate vicariously, but a poor baby that is sick is something that truly makes anyone upset. All best wishes and keep us updated.

On another note, how does ass-licking figure into this? I’m assuming you’d request the doctor to lick your ass.

Make sure that you kick ass until you get exactly what you need. My experience with pediatricians is that they suck. Okay, some suck, but they suck really bad. When my son was 3, he went face first into the entertainment center, with what sounded like a sickening smack. We called our pediatrician, who said that it’s highly unlikely that a child of that age could break his nose. We said, “But the bridge of his nose is really puffy. And it sounded like it could have been a break. Shouldn’t we bring him in?” No, it isn’t broken, just bruised. Of course, it was broken, but by the time we saw anyone, there wasn’t anything they could really do. Fortunately it isn’t very noticeable.

Later that year, he suddenly began to demand a lot of fluids, pee alot, and became very irritable. We called the pediatricians office, and were told by the nurse that he was just showing a behavioral problem, and that we were reinforcing this by giving him drinks whenever he demanded them. I am a child psychologist, so I knew that this explanation was shit. But I am not a physician, so this kept us from taking him in until the next day, when we demanded that he be checked out. He had experienced his onset of type I diabetes.

Kick ass until you are satisfied with what you get.

Lord Ashtar, I believe she was saying if this happens again, her doctor can kiss her ass…

jwhee, not only am I a sub, but a mother of five. Doesn’t make me a doctor, but I’ve seen my fair share and have had one child hit by a car and one with a chronic illness.

Find another doctor.

Baby has a kidney infection? That is nothing to mess with. She cannot tell you right now what she is feeling so all you can go on are the things you can see. Like the temp and the vomiting.

I’m sure you already know this, but please try to find somone who isn’t going to brush you off. Kidneys aren’t something to screw around with.
And an update on how she is would be nice. I’ve been checking off and on and haven’t heard back from you yet. I hope all is getting better.


baby’s temp was only over 106 on the first day and came down to 102 by the time we got to the doc’s office after a cool bath and some tylenol. since then we have managed to keep it around 101.

yes, it is the doctor who can lick my ass for his shitty weekend demeanor. i don’t want to find another doc, cause he was really great at finding the kidney infection in the first place. i have heard that many docs won’t even order a urine screen unless there is a high temp with no apparent source of infection for 3-5 days.

she did go to the hospital yesterday and they changed her medicine to septra, which she doesn’t like but can at least keep down once it is in. it took three nurses to get it in her the first time. still much better than the shot, and something we can do at home. i think she’s scared of the plunger tube that dispenses the liquid, so i will get her a eye dropper type on my way home from work today (yes, i am at work at this ungodly hour!)

we have an ultrasound of her kidneys on monday, hopefully no scaring.

thank you all so much for your concern! i’m glad i wasn’t out of line, but even if i was i wouldn’t care. it’s my baby damnit!

Kricket, 5? wow. i am impressed. i thought 2 was alot. i grew up as an only child. i wouldn’t know how to begin to take care of 5. my son is also sick, to a much lesser extent, and i have pages of lists of medication dosages and times. then there are doctor appts, and dentists, and t-ball, and, well, i guess you know all that. so, which palm pilot do you use?

Um…if my doctor told me to wait out my kid’s 106 temperature for a couple days, I’d tell him to go fuck himself and take her IMMEDIATELY to the emergency room. I’m certainly no doctor, but as far as I know a temp of over 104-5 for ANY extended period of time can cause severe damage to the body’s systems, including brain function.

it didn’t stay at 106. it went down, just not to normal. i do think a temp of 106 that wouldn’t come down below 104 would warrant a trip to the ER by any doc. sorry, i was unclear on that one.

That’s what I figured. I was just confused by what she was asking for…

actually, it was more like lick my asshole, subtle, yet important difference.

Wow I’ll thank my pediatrician/family practice doctor next time I see him for being really good about weekend/off hour calls.

I’ve even had the doc call to check up on how we were making out with things when the munchkin had pneumonia.

I didn’t realize you could see kidney scarring on ultrasound! Bastards made me get a biopsy! I hope everything checks out ok with the little one. Nothing more frustrating and heart breaking than a sick munchkin!

i checked my references and i was wrong about the ultrasound. gotta get the ultrasound to check the kidney for abnormalities. another test, called a voiding cystourethrogram(VCUG) which is a special x-ray to test for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), a condition that allows urine to go back up into the kidneys and may, over time, cause scarring. i think. but IANA doc. i don’t know what happens after those tests. hopefully everything will be fine and i won’t have to find out.
(i forgot how smart you dopers are. can’t jump over the details.)

and no, he hasn’t called to check on anything. my personal gp would for me, even on a weekend.

she is much better today, fever is staying low, and she is playing. she seems to be less afraid of the plunger, now that the new medicine doesn’t make her hurl.

Poor little baby :frowning: I’m glad she’s feeling better, jwhee and I hope she’s totally recovered soon.

Palm pilot? Yeah right. :wink:
Nope, we use the good old fashioned everything goes on the calendar method and anything that isn’t on the calendar gets done when we get to it.
Needless to say we aren’t on time for much and there’s alot we miss if it doesn’t rank up there. Doctors appointments, vollyball, basketball, choir, and next year my son starts with this stuff. The school stuff is my older two girls. I have three yet to get in the program.
I’m glad to hear she is feeling a bit better and I hope further test show she is better.
How old is she? If she doesn’t like the plunger maybe you could try the med pacifier despenser? Or if she is older the plain old med spoon?
Good luck. Sometime giving meds to babies is like trying to give a cat a bath.