I work in a Military Prison. Ask me anything (Part II)

What is the fastest you have know someone to sign up for service and end up in a military Prison?

Did you have contact with that Birther Doctor who refused to deploy because Barack Obama was an illegitimate President?

About a year. If the enlistee gets in trouble before they complete training, the enlistee usually gets a civilian court and trial. There are a couple that I have seen that have been in the Service less time, but that is not the average.

SFC Schwartz


SFC Schwartz

SSG Schwartz

I am new to this forum and have been reading through the threads.

In your original thread you said that most of the inmates were there for child sex offenses…

Is there a common denominator or specific “defect” that you’ve found when speaking with or counseling these individuals?

Do they generally admit to committing these acts or are they in denial?


I’ve read both threads, and you say a few times that inmates work and get paid. Forgive my ignorance, but is this normal money? Like, do they have savings/checking accounts? Can an inmate save his money and use it when he gets out or is it for use only in the prison?


Awesome thread, btw…

Fascinating read.

Thanks for posting this and thanks for your service.

Why doesn’t the U.S. military execute its worst offenders?: http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/28/justice/military-death-penalty/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

Are inmates at USDB still on Active Duty?

Have you read Captain Incarcerated?

I know you can’t comment on individual soldiers (ie can’t say you know him or anything like that) but have you read it and if so does it jive with your own experiences? I read the last topic and things like the race divide, the heavies controlling the remotes, the kind treatment sexual predators get, and the D&D thing are all mentioned so I’m guessing it’s a legitimate blog and not a pack of lies.