One thing your up against is there are some of us who do have Christ as a major focus in our lives, but don’t believe in going around bragging about it. I’ve been known to say, “If I have to tell you I’m a Christian, I’m doing a damn poor job of it.” What did James say? “Prove to me that this faith you speak of is real though not accompanied by deeds, and, by my deeds, I will prove to you my faith.” (James 2:18)
I support gay rights and gay marriage because of my Christian faith. That same Christian faith means I am required to treat others with courtesy and respect, regardless of how they treat me and regardless of how strongly I may disagree with them. As for judgement, that’s not my place or perogative, although, I do form opinions about people as we all do. A few years ago, when we had a few Fundamentalists who hung around here, the discussion got around to who was going to hell. By my eccentric belief system, I am not entitled to condemn anyone. That’s God’s job, not mine.
I know where you’re coming from, though, Mosier. I suspect one of the main reasons I am a Christian is because the Episcopal Church was the one place in town I could go as a child and not be insulted, and yes, that includes my own home. If I’d had the experience a friend of mine had, who was picked on in church to the point where she cried, I suspect I’d be one of the harshest critics of Christianity on the boards.
Still, there are a lot of Christians out there, working hard and quietly doing good. When you hear about people trying to force Intelligent Design down people’s throats or lamenting that they are no longer allowed to pray in schoools, remember that the people opposing them are also likely to be Christians. The lawsuit in Texas which led to official prayers being stopped before football games was brought by Episcopalians and Catholics, if memory serves.
No, we don’t make a lot of noise about it. One reason I don’t is because of all the damage done by those who do. I’m also a bit leery of someone who displays a lot of Christian paraphenalia, simply because the most of the people I’ve met who’ve done so have been jerks. If I don’t say “Jesus” every other word, it doesn’t mean I’m not a Christian; it’s just that I believe showing kindness to the people around me, including the clerk who sells me a hamburger during the lunch rush, is far more effective way of showing God’s love and, yes, doing God’s work than beating people over the head with the Jesus stick.