Ice Age Baby

We saw this last night for my sons birthday.
I have seen about 9 kids movies in the past 3 years.
Never any audience laughing.
Well. Lots of laughing at this one. My son too.
It was actually really good.
Sid the sloth was the star and funniest.
Loved the acorn theme.
At the end, the audience applauded!!
I highly recommend this.Anyone else see it?

I want to see it. I saw the trailer when I went to see another movie whose name I forgot. The trailer of Ice Age was best than the rest of the movie.

I just had to say I appreciate this thread’s title when coupled with the OP’s handle.

When we went to see it today, the theater was absolutely packed with little kids. They laughed at every single even remotely humorous scene in the film–but so did I. The little mouse/rat with the acorn was the funniest part, and Sid was pretty funny, but I liked Diago too.

Rys: Oh yep. Thats why I chose my handle vanilla, its my favorite song.
Yes, I’m the only one whose favorite song it is.
I wish they’d used it for the film…

Word to your mother.

I want to see this movie, but next weekend has been commandeered by the E.T. rerelease.

I took Jr Ranger II to see the movie this weekend. I hadn’t wanted to go because I thought the preview looked kinda silly, but I am so glad I did. We were laughing almost constantly.

I like the rhinos and the association that the kid made with Peek-a-Boo.

Took my son and my nephew to see it, and we loved it! Especially all the “evolution” jokes thrown in there - the dodos, Sid and his ancestors frozen in the ice, etc. And how about the flying saucer!

No laughing at Shrek? Monsters Inc.? TOY STORY 2???

Geez, what planet are you living on? I know children’s movies are hit-n-miss, but the last three years haven’t been that bad…

Who here got this joke as a specific movie reference?

Oh, and I liked Ice Age also.

I saw this over the weekend as well. I enjoyed delayed-reaction laughter as I heard little kids giggling at parts I didnt realize were funny, I just had to laugh when they did.

I thought Monsters Inc was way better, animation and storyline.


At the end when Diego “died” a little kid just started balling like a madman. His mother rushed him out of the theatre and I did not notice them return to witness the final scene. Poor kid is going through all that trauma for nothing…

I couldn’t stop laughing about the do-do cult…TAEKWONDO-DO was the funniest thing!!! Characters were well developed and overal a friggin’ funny movie!!
