Icy Knees

Well both. Do you have a good clear area to run, and do you run on packed snow ever?

I don’t have a treadmill, so I go through these slumps where the weather’s too crappy to run outside, and there’s no snow for skiing, so I watch TV and drink beer!

It’s the only RPG I’ve ever played, so I don’t have anything to compare…

EQ has at least one hundred “zones” with hundreds of kinds of monsters. Zones range in landscape from mountains to desert to forest to island to caverns to moonscapes. Much of the game depends on interaction with non-player characters. Beautiful graphics and easy transportation between zones with the most recent upgrade, The Planes of Power.

I love the D&D- type characters, group hunting and the quests…

Basically, it’s a blast.

I don’t know how much it would cost to buy the whole program, brand-new right now… Each game and subsequent upgrade cost around $30.00 a piece. I think there have been four upgrades? And the subscription costs $12.95 per month.

I haven’t had this problem yet, because it hasn’t snowed too much… But there are some sidewalks in my neighborhood and they’ve stayed clear so far. I’ll have to let you know when winter gets worse. This will be my first Minnesota winter in which I will try to run. :slight_smile: I’ve never run on packed snow… I’ve heard that there’s a good route in Hyland Park in Bloomington that stays nice, even during heavy snow times. I’ll have to check it out.

Are you in Minnesota? I guess I missed that… :slight_smile: Beer good. Mulled wine even better in cold weather. El Yummo.

Michigan. We’re pretty covered right now. I’m going to attempt some skiing after work (before the beer hopefully). You’d think people in this state would be used to x-country skiing, but they look at me like I’m some sort of freak. They don’t go for sports around here that don’t involve motors.

Time for lunch. Ham sandwich and chips…bleh. What’s everyone else having?

Hmmm…Me thinks me havum just found a way to spend that extra money…
Although, by now, I would imagine that they have an updated game with all the upgrades. It might be more expensive than 30 dollars, it sounds like it would be a great addition to my ever-expanding library of games…:smiley:

Aha. Have fun crossing the country this afternoon! I’m heading home a teence early to get my run in before the sun goes down… I had kettle corn for lunch. Yeah, I know. Nutritious AND delicious!

*Originally posted by Meatros ***Hmmm…Me thinks me havum just found a way to spend that extra money…
Although, by now, I would imagine that they have an updated game with all the upgrades. It might be more expensive than 30 dollars, it sounds like it would be a great addition to my ever-expanding library of games…**When you get the software, the subscription and yo’ ass logged on, come on over to the Seventh Hammer server and find yo’ girl, Principezza <— That’s me. I’ll try to hook you up with some phat lewt.

Dammit I knew I should have previewed my post. Mother trucker.

Shoulda looked like this, Meatie:

When you get the software, the subscription and yo’ ass logged on, come on over to the Seventh Hammer server and find yo’ girl, Principezza <— That’s me. I’ll try to hook you up with some phat lewt.

Alright, that sounds like a good proposition!:smiley:

So, what’s your icing regimen? When I’m skiing I do 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off, then 15 minutes on. My roommate in college who ran crosscountry recommended it. However, my brother, who does triathlon, says 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, etc until it’s been “on” 30 minutes.

PS - stay away from EverCrack. It consumes lives. I am only semi-joking.

Hey Meatros! Everything you need for Everquest.
EQ Gold! Hurry and get it before it’s gone! :smiley:

All I have to say is: Solid Gravy…It’s my new euphamism for cool.:smiley:

Meatros–how’s your connection speed? DSL, broadband, or cable? From what I’ve heard, don’t even try if you’re still using dialup. I can’t even get Diablo II to work smooth on a DSL line.

Hmmm…I have cable…

Cable works, Meatie.

Hello Again, my physical therapist said 20 on, 20 off, 20 on… And that you could never ice enough.

Madam, if I might interject, that knee is remarkably cold and my tongue is getting frostbitten.