I'd Bet This Would Make One Hell of a Cool Cat Toy

What some enterprising individual needs to do is to make an IFF collar for the cat so that dino will think cat is another pleo.

Hillarity ensues.

Or something.

Like a bloodbath? :smiley:

Well, it seems noisier on the web page than on the videos, so that probably has something to do with it.

My cats are fond of aluminum foil. Stays in a ball better.

A piece of tape on the head that protrudes into the cat’s field of vision is the true way to amuse them.

Not hard to imagine; Pleo from that first link already sounds like an Octagenarian passing a stone. :eek:

No no no no no. Duct tape is hard to with where fur is involved. It goes like this.


longish sweat sock or hunting type sock

  1. Place cat facing away from you, firmly between your legs while you kneel.
  2. Hold cat** firmly**
  3. Roll up sock a bit, pull sock over cat’s head
  4. Release cat
  5. Die laughing
  6. Rescue cat before it backs into the fire burning in fireplace
  7. Run from wife