I'd like a list of people Karma seems to have missed.

I’ve always sort of believed in Karma, but have lately begun to believe it’s just another bogeyman.

To cement the deal for me, I’d like a list of people that appear to have never been touched by Karma. And likely never will be.

I’m going to start with two obvious ones for me and that’s George W Bush and Dick Cheney.

Both of these people live what I would call somewhat envious lives. They have tons of money, live in beautiful homes, never have to worry about access to the best health care money can buy. They have people that love them, that are deferent to them, pay them to speak even. Or paint silly pictures. They don’t appear to suffer any pangs of guilt or regret for the things they’ve done.

Who else should I put on my list?

The two greatest mass murderers of all time, Mao Tse-tung and Joseph Stalin, lived long lives and died in their beds.

Fidel Castro seems sure to do the same.

Oh, nevermind.

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

Sam Walton’s spawn.

Michelle Bachman and, to a lesser degree, Sarah Palin.

Isn’t Karma supposed to rebound on the person in the next life, not in the same one?

yeah next one is slime time.

Wow, it took three responses before this thread degenerated into a predictable “Trash politicians whose positions I disgree with” morass. That’s two more than I was expecting.

How about William Randolph Hearst? A media magnate who quite literally started a war just to increase newspaper sales. I don’t believe in karma, but I do believe he’s currently roasting in a particularly unpleasant level of hell right now.

Roman Polanski

Whadda’ you talkin’ about? What do the think the OP was? :confused:

Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore Robespierre tried to blow his own brains out but only took off half his jaw. The next day the bandage cloth, the only medical care he’d received, was torn from where the blood had glued it to his face; and he was guillotined without a blindfold, on his back so he could watch the falling blade. Since he could only experience all this once and only once, it could be argued that he escaped karma.

King Leopold the 2nd.
IMHO, the evillest European in history, lived a prosperous and healthy life well into his late seventies.

Sanford B. Dole

Yes, but that’s not how it’s used when people claim Karma, cause how would we know? Right?

I hear it all the time when something bad happens to someone who has done something bad in this life.

People laugh and say Karma’s a bitch, or something like that.

He threw big orgies at his mountaintop estate in San Simeon, but forbid any “improper” activities with iron-handed Victorian prudery – so the popular legends about him proclaim. Except for the scandalous shenanigans between him and his doll, actress Marion Davies. He got this karma upon him:

The same story is also told (the words vary slightly) in an exhibit at the visitor center at Hearst Castle, so it must have some credibility.