I'd like everyone to extend a warm welcom to Just A Girl

Be nice to her. She’s a really cool person, and I like her alot. Just don’t mention Suntrust poles or Cinderella mice.

Thank you teppei, my “deleriously intelligent sex beast.” I doubt anyone will take much heed to your welcome but I appreciate it, especially coming from you. (Well…except for the whole Suntrust Pole thing which, I can only respond with “service in the car!”) Since no one can respond to my particular post (and I don’t care since it’s directed at you anyway) I’ll go ahead and tell you that I’ll miss you a bunch the next few weeks :frowning: and I hope you think about me some in east bumble nowhere-ville too. Later cutie. :wink:
<3 always,

Welcome, Just A Girl! Felt like someone should say it. :smiley:

Hey welcome aboard Just A Girl!

I think I speak for all of us when I say we want more details on the stories that are so obviously lurking just beneath the surface.

Hmmmm… now I’ve Disney’s singing mice in my head. “Cindarelly… Cindarelly… make a dress for Cindarelly…”

Welcome Jag. Enjoy your stay. Avoid my threads like the plague.

::tips hat::

Welcome aboard JAG! This place is more entertaining than a squid at a milking contest…

Welcome Jag, and let me say I know a lot of the details. Trust me dpr you dont want to know, but then again…it would make an interesting post. Anyway, Welcome and have fun. Once you start you can never stop… (teppei started me too, damn him!)

I think I speak for all of us when I say we want more details on the stories that are so obviously lurking just beneath the surface.

For now, they will remain between me and the sexy army boy who was so sweet to welcome me. However, I tend to be rather random at times so the stories will most likely be disclosed at a later date. :slight_smile:

For the record, the first two lines were supposed to be quoted, but I’m a little slow sometimes…yeah…

walks over shaking JAG’s hand

Hi how are you I am the SDMB token double arm amputee!

Please do not stoop shakkkking yeeet no dooon’t sto sto oo oo ahhhh

someone got a towel?


Hi Just A Girl~

Pleased to meet you!


Hey, Just A Girl…welcome, welcome, welcome!

I don’t suppose you ever inhabited a Stall, did you?

Hi, Just A Girl, nice ta meetcha.

(I can’t call you JAG–that’d make me think of David James Elliot.)

So now we have Just A Girl, Girlnextdoor, girlbysea, agirl . . . am I missing any?
