My husband suffers from sleep apnea, and has to wear a CPAP machine to keep his airway open at night. Without it, snores horrendously, chokes, and stops breathing. This machine has been a Goddess-send, I’m telling ya.
Another contibutor in that thread, someone named RufusLeaking, mentioned that he qualifies for a discount on his PG&E bill, because his CPAP machine is medically necessary and requires electricity.
SO, I call Consumer’s Energy (my gas & electric company) today, to see if there’s anything like that here. The answer is no, but, they’ll note my account, and if there’s ever an outage here in my neighborhood, they’ll be sure to try and see that my neighborhood is turned back on ASAP.
Sleep apnea is a dangerous disorder. It is life-threatening if left unchecked and untreated. My husband needs this machine. Without it, he could die.
Yes, there are other methods of treatment, like surgery. But a) surgery is highly invasive and painful, while the CPAP is neither of those things, b) my husband is a guitarist/singer with a very distinctive voice, and surgery will almost definitely change it (this is according to three different doctors). And as long as the CPAP is working (which it is), my husband is not willing to sacrifice his vocal tone, and c) Hi Opal!
Anyway, I’d like to start a Crusade to get Consumer’s to change their policy about CPAP machines. But I have no idea how to go about beginning a Crusade. I know that swords, horses, and flaming arrows are pretty much out. But I also know that I’ll be fighting Big Business. Anyone got any tips?
BTW, I’m actually serious about this. I want this company to recognize the importance of these machines, and do something to help their customers that must rely on them.