Ideas From TV You Thought'd Be True

Did you ever watch a TV show and think that is how it’d be in real life.

Like I used to LOVE Room 222, and I used to think wow when I get to high school it’ll be just like that. We’ll all be sophisticated and talking about meaningful things and relavent social issues.

But I got to high school and we were still just a bunch of morons acting stupid :smiley:

None of the teachers were ever dedicated like Pete Dixon or as pretty as Alice (Karen Valentine) and I can’t ever recall seeing our principal the whole time I was in high school. I certainly don’t remember his name

So any of you get ideas from TV that just didn’t pan out

Not just from TV but also from movies, comic books, etc.: when I was very young, I thought that using physical violence to settle disputes was a common and unremarkable thing. If someone flirted with your girlfriend, you beat them up. If someone insulted you, you popped them one in the mouth. If someone had worn out their welcome, they got bounced out onto the sidewalk. Bullies would try to beat you up because they were bullies, and you were supposed to fight back. Subduing someone with a nightstick was the first step the police took in an arrest. Etc. Then I went to school and started socializing (in the latter 60s), and discovered that if the above had ever been true it wasn’t true any longer; and we now lived in a pacifist society where violence was always wrong, wrong, wrong and you would spend long hours in the principal’s office for what seemed to me trivial offences. I ended up in four different schools between first and sixth grade. :o