There is a smallish bird, appearing to be on the young side of life, that is peeping somewhat frantically from under the thicket of flowers by my front door. It does not appear injured (or distressed, so to speak) and with temperature being approx 102F outside, I have a hose trickling water into a soup-sized bowl that bird is hopping into now and then. No hesitation in its going wading with me a few feet away, and the couple of Nutriberries (parrot treat of seed and small nuts, so to speak) I left nearby was investigated closely with a bit of pecking at them. That’s the extent of my actions - water to cool ground and area with possible nutrious food within reach. There are no real predators other than LOTS of hawks around, so its safe to be where it is atm.
I know to more or less leave it totally alone, but would love to know the species so, if needed, I can get it appropriate seed/food if mama/dad are gone for good (or whatever). I have a cockatoo so am not unfamiliar with avian ‘care’ so nothing stupid will happen (like trying to catch it or such). If it matters, the peeping is about every few seconds and of a higher pitch than what I usually hear from birds this size.
Any idea on type of bird that is visiting us? Thanks in advance! Also, location is Central Oklahoma in prarie-land (not many trees, very little water withihn , and closest tree is aout 1/2 mile away, fwiw).