Me: Male, adult since before Roe v Wade, feminist before the word existed.
Where I was, abortion was a criminal offense punishable by 5-7 years in state prison. Anyone “helping to procure” an abortion was subject to the same punishment.
To say that this was underground would be an understatement. I never knew the Dr.'s involved (yes, real, live Dr.'s were involved - they weren’t Catholic, but they were licensed physicians). I knew people who knew people, eventually leading to an appointment - I knew of three layers of intermediates above - each presumably had another layer for security reasons. I got women (who passed my “sniff test” - somewhere, I’m sure the FBI has a file on me; paranoia was a damned good idea at that time and place) on the trail, and never inquired as to what happened upstream. Yes, if nailed, I could expect 5-7 years, as could all the upsteam folks. We put it on the line. At that time D&C training was part of standard medical education - since then, I understand that many schools refuse to train anybody in the procedure - fear of the Fundies (Bush II and Ashcroft have not helped, folks) have caused them to turn out MD’s who don’t know how to empty a uterus - whatever your position on abortion, this is not a GOOD THING - some advanced infections are not amenable to just antibiotics - the accumulated septic tissue must be physically removed (my understanding - I have a sister who had endometriosis, and got to know more than most male non-MD’s about the plumbing).
It is the fact that D&C training is largely lacking in so many current MD’s that has caused the development of alternative methods - there was a home-made vacumm system several years ago, and then RU486 (hint: say it out load, each letter separately, then ‘eighty-six’ (this assumes you know what “86” means)).
Fundies and devout RCC’ers may now go apoplectic…
Bottom line: Roe v Wade WILL be overturned - the 2004 election (the “War President” now has a “Mandate” to push his economic, military, social, and religious views on the US - the 5-4 SCOTUS decisions affirming RvW will, within 3 years, become at least 5-4 to OVERTURN RvW.
Good luck, kids - 5-7 ain’t fun. Choose your next residence carefully - CA and NY will probably not interfere - the Bible Belt states most certainly will. If you are a girl or young woman - get out of there if you want any choices.
They say Canada’s nice - if you feel a chill (draft, anyone?) a change of scenery just might do wonders.
Best wishes.