If Donald Trump is found guilty, will he get Secret Service protection in prison?

Title kinda says it all.

Ex-presidents get lifelong secret service protection. So, if Donald Trump ends up in prison will there be Secret Service agents posted 24/7 outside of his prison cell? (assuming Trump is convicted and sentenced to prison)

There has been a couple of threads on this, here for example.

Whether Trump gets secret service protection would be up the the Biden administration and the Secretary of Homeland security. I think by far the most likely scenario due to logistics involved is that Trump would get house arrest. Not perfect justice but take what you can get.

FYI: Your link is broken (missing the “b” at the beginning)

Still time to fix it.

Thanks for the link.

Does anyone really believe that the gubbernment are going to put Trump in prison?
If you do, I have a Nigerian prince with a trunk box of money that I can put you in touch with.

I figure the moment a Guilty is handed down, his head will explode and that will be that.

Not for the cleaning staff. Could the judge order that a hole be cut in a tarp and his head poked through it before the verdict is read?

Worst case, IMHO, he’d be sent to a minimum security prison. White collar criminals. Cell phone jammers secreted all over the place.

This is the Undiscovered Country.
No precedent exists, and no clear statement can be made.
All too bizarre.

If they put him solitary in a SuperMax, they probably don’t need to bother with Secret Service protection.

Robert Hanssen’s cell in Florence CO is available now.

As a side question how does the SS manage the details for each former President? The have to get time off for sick days and vacations and such. Do they have a couple of teams they rotate in on a schedule? I mean, can you imagine being assigned to Trump, and your job is to just sit outside his cell for 12 hours a day?

For $150K/year plus fully paid medical and pension benefits, I can think of worse jobs.

Until they don’t. None of this is written in stone. It’s left to the discretion of the executive branch which will probably defer to the recommendations of prison authorities.

My parents attended public high school in the wealthy part of Chicago during the heyday of The Mob. Two of their classmates was kids of a well-known Big Boss. They came to school by chauffeured bulletproof Cadillac. Two goons sat right outside their classroom(s) all day long on stools the school graciously provided them.

Boring work. Probably paid OK.

Was the principal really likely to tell the Boss “no”?

Depends entirely on how fond he was of his entrails.

Didn’t need a pair of cement galoshes?