If God answers medical prayers, then why do you need health insurance?

If Cthulhu wants to devour us all, why does he allow healthy humans to lose their nutritional content by illness or death?

That idea truly shakes my faith.

Religion has the same effect as patriotic manifestations: it creates hope and inspires the spirit. Nothing more.

If God is really on our side why do we even have to fight wars? Why doesn’t he just destroy our enemies and save us from having to fight them?

As they say in Spain:

So praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

Or, as is also said in Spanish: “Praising the Lord and working with the hammer”.

The whole point of the joke is that God gives you the means to do things for yourself, and you shouldn’t be using faith as an end all be all. Have faith, but DO. The people who came in the vehicles were DOING. The man wanting to be rescued needed to do the same. Get off his butt and get it out of there.

I have learned much this day.

Any chance you work at a funeral home or a terminal cancer hospice?

What about the old adage:" God helps them that help themselves.


God answers all prayers. But sometimes He says, “No.” That’s why you need insurance.

Jesus doesn’t promise anyone a rose garden here on earth. In fact, he makes a point of noting that life on earth can kind of suck. Even for people who pray. Your reward will be in heaven but, until then, you’ll probably want health insurance.

Um, why? If you get heaven, the bitchin’ place ever by definition, why would you want to prolong your time here?

If you feel that way, don’t get health insurance :slight_smile:

I’m guessing that most issues covered by insurance aren’t fatal. Personally, I’d rather not go through life with a badly healed broken leg.

Thanks all, for your responses. It’s been very informative.

“God’s Plan” for some (most? heh) folks might just amount to little more than, “We Apologize For The Inconvenience.”

I think a supreme being who knows all things and knows ahead of time would be insulted by prayer, for it would be a lack of trust. As a parent, I would not give my child anything that would harm them, nor hold back anything that would be for their good, of course I do not know for certain so I just have to use my better judgement, however I would never make them beg for things that I know was necessary for their betterment.


Why doesn’t god heal amputees?

(Not an original question with me, but the best religious/health/prayer-related question I’ve ever seen.)

I’m not, I’m still very confoozled.

I’ve heard this before. I just wonder why his answer is sometimes ‘No I won’t help you, you should be tortured to death.’ or ‘No I won’t help you, you should be raped and murdered.’ Never could figure that out.

As a 4 year old, do you understand why you can’t have cake for breakfast? No…it’s only because your parents are evil people who want to torture you by making you eat whole grain cereal and fruit. Perhaps your spiritual growth needs the challenge of being an amputee, or losing those close to you. God is not concerned with what is good for you in your life on earth…he’s more concerned about your spiritual growth and preparing your for life after life.

At least, that’s the idea.

I think we should cut out the middle process and all be born in heaven.

Then the kindest thing a parent can do is baptise the baby then dash its brains out.

God, if he exists, doesn’t heal amputees and causes birth defects because he’s an evil cunt.

Never go to a faith healer who has health insurance.