If I do not get this job how can I work for them anyway?

Hey all,

I am about a year out of college and I have been in a marketing/sales position for a healthcare company. I also owned my own online business, which I sold for enough to pay for school and create a nice nest egg for myself.

I interviewed with a local tech company for a position that involves working with their clients and being the project manager between the sales and technical team (solving problems, taking clients out for dinner to build a relationship, etc). I just interviewed so I will not hear back for a week or two. They liked me and said they saw nothing that said no to hiring me, but the specific opening is for one of their biggest clients and I am just nervous that they won’t hire a rookie.

Since I have saved a bunch up, do you think if I do not get it I can ask the guy who interviewed me (the executive of the department) to give me a an internship or something? I would work for free just to prove my drive/passion. I saved up some cash from selling my business and my current job pays pretty well (mid 40s), so I am able to take a risk.

How would you handle this one if they get back to me with “we chose someone else?” and you really want to work for this company in some capacity…

Maybe by asking nicely if there is anything else available for you, perhaps a lower paying job until something better turns up?

Or asking if they could keep your resume on file and consider you for any future openings.

yeah, I had a good connection with the guy who interviewed me so I am just trying to see how I can convey that I am passionate about working for this company (I am) and that I am willing to take a risk to prove I have the drive.

The easiest way to convey that is to tell him, straight up! Exactly what you posted here. Make it clear to him that the company is awesome and you’d be willing to do what it takes to work there.

thanks :slight_smile: any other advice?

I’d be a little careful about telegraphing your desire TOO strongly …

  1. They might offer you a sucky salary because they know they can get away with it

  2. They might think “what’s the matter with this guy? No one could be THAT excited about a job unless there’s some background info we don’t know about.”

So passion and enthusiasm are good, but I wouldn’t take it to eyebrow-raising levels.

Ditto, except for the “do what it takes” part. You don’t want to sound like you’re coming on to him. :slight_smile:

I’d say, at this point, to let it drift. You have already interviewed. If he hasn’t already picked up on your desire to work for them, then he won’t. I think that he already knows how you feel. You said you made a connection, right? That being the case, all that can be done, has been done. If not, either you were too ham handed in your approach, and you need to remedy it before going back, or he is too dull. Also, cf. CairoCarol.

And isn’t that the most nauseatingly cynical, yet true, statement I’ve seen in a while…

Exactly. If they know you would be willing to work there for free, they might just let you, even if they had previously been considering you for the job. See what they say about the position first.

Is it this company specifically that you want to work for, or just this field that you want to get into? I wouldn’t let one single company become your focus. Ask yourself what you like about the job and the company and see where else you can get those things if this job doesn’t work out. Or, is there a way you could do contract work or freelance work for them somehow to establish a relationship. Working for free / too cheap sets yourself up to be undervalued by them in the future, IMO.

Or maybe the Michigan job market has me too cynical.

thanks guys,

Given that they said it might take two weeks to hear back but he gave me his email/card for questions, do you think there is anything I can say/ask to help my chances?

I was thinking maybe next week to ask for maybe a project or something to look into to better acquaint myself with the role?

hey yeah, this is specifically the company I want to work for and the role is sort of unique. I really would intern if it demonstrated my desire to do this. I have a pretty good job right now so it’d be a big risk but I want into this company somehow. If I don’t get it do you think I can present myself to the HR-rep and the Interviewer in a way that might get me a chance like that if they liked me?

anyone? thank you sorry I’m a little anxious