If I had the cash, I give it to Joss My God to produce a Buffy spin-off with Willow first as the lead and, a distant second, with Faith carrying the torch. Oh, how I miss my Buffy fix. Seriously, I do.
I’ve had an idea for awhile now: to create a stop-animation studio with talented amateur voice actors culled (initially) from the ranks of comic book fans to produce faithful adaptations of various seminal comic book storylines, beginning with public domain works like THIMBLE THEATRE and the KATZENJAMMER KIDS eventually getting rights to stuff like BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and BONE. Using scan and pan-photography, limited animation, and a great sound effects library, we’d essentially adapt every panel of those comics until we have our story. The forthcoming SIN CITY movie is a full-motion, live action version of what I’m talking about. MTV’s THE MAXX and the animated stories done for TV’s READING RAINBOW are the closest to what I’m talking about.
I’d hire Brand & Falsey and any members of the cast who are willing (probably most of them) to produce Northern Exposure: the Next Generation. I’d be willing to pay Janine Turner almost anything she wanted, I’d be very generous with Barry Corbin (Maurice), John Cullum (Holling), Cynthia Geary (Shelley) & Elaine Miles (Marilyn) to get them to resume their roles, I’d give Darren Burrows (Ed), John Corbett (Chris) and Rob Morrow (Joel) money for guest shot appearances to update their characters but wouldn’t want them as regulars, and I’d hire Fruit of Islam guards to keep away any of the actors or writers responsible for “the Bubble Man” or Dr. & Mrs. Capra. I’d add in some new characters.
It’s been 10 years and I still miss Cicely.
I’d fund a $1 million battle royale no-holds-barred title match between Omarosa (Apprentice), Sue (Survivor 1), Brigitte Nielsen and many other least favorite reality show stars. I don’t care who wins so long as Real World’s Puck gets the living bejeezus beaten out of him.
If I had unlimited money… I’d kidnap Peter Jackson and have him film an exact scene by scene film translation of The Lord Of The Rings, no additions, no subtractions just the books as a movie.
Kythereia, would you eat Kraft dinner? You wouldn’t have to, but I would anyway.
Okay, seriously. I’d have clothing made for myself (and anyone else that wanted it, since this is unlimited) from any period that caught my interest at all. Roman matron’s tunics, ancient Minoan, cotehardies and gates of hell, Burgundian, elaborate Elizabethan, second bustle period – everything. I’d wear them all the time, because when you’re that rich, you can afford to be eccentric.
And then I’d build a half-timbered Tudor manor house with elaborate knotwork gardens and a private movie theatre. Houses for my entire family. Friends too, what the heck.
Finally, a crapload of money to museums with a clothing conservation program and to diabetes research programs across the country. Also, I’d fund a season at APT, as long as they agreed to perform Much Ado About Nothing and an Oscar Wilde play.
Sampiro’s Northern Exposure: The Next Generation sounds fantastic, though. I love that show.
I’d make sure the folks were set up with excellent in-home care or the finest assisted living facilities when they got to that point.
I’d get myself a newer car with better mileage, possibly a hybrid.
That’s before the charitable donations.
I’d tell you what i’d do, man. Two chicks at the same time, man. If i were a millionaire, i think i could hook that up, cuz chicks dig dudes with money.
I think you could get somthing pretty good with just a re-edit… Parts would still be left out, but you could get rid of the inappropriate intrusions (Frodo at Osgilliath, Elves at Helm’s Deep)…