If I import a DVD from the US, will it work here in Australia on my DVD player?

I want to buy a DVD that has only been released (so far) in the US, and I am wondering if I were to import it here to Australia, if it would work on my DVD player.

Depends on your DVD player.

yes, provided your DVD player is multi-zoned

Depends on the DVD itself also. don’t ask is referring to the fact that a DVD player bought in Australia will be set up to read only region 4 or un-regioned DVDs. So a hollywood movie bought in the US will be region 1 and will not play. A documentary on BMX bikes in upper lower Georgia is unlikely to be encoded at all and will play fine.

Virtually all DVD players can be “cracked” by special key sequences to ignore DVD coding. The shop you bought it from will have the instructions on request; failing that do a Google search for the model number and “region-free” or similar keyword.

I have an LG - DV7711P.

Are you guys saying that if I follow the instructions given here:


I will be able to play any DVD on my DVD player?

Yes that would be the go. Some places set them up region free before they sell them. That’s why so many Aussie tourists come home with Asian pirate DVDs.

I bought a DVD player recently, and every single model from every brand that JB were selling came pre-cracked by the manufacturer (except 1 that I got home, and wouldn’t play my region 1’s, but they replaced it for me :slight_smile: - it was supposed to have been modified at the factory). So before you get too excited, I’d get the DVD and try it out, you never know, it might work off the bat.

Some region 1 DVDs have additional encoding to defeat multi-region DVD players … might want to watch out for that (I think it’s called RCE -“Regional Coding Enhanced” or something like that.)

A region 4 (Australia) player will, reliably, play anything region 0, or region 4, or region 2+4, which you see quite a bit - don’t know if there are 1+4 discs around. No reason why there shouldn’t be, I suppose.

A lot of anime is 1+4, aiming for the chief markets in those areas: Japan and USA.

[slight hijack]
Maybe it’s because DVD is only three letters, so it’s not possible to do a search, but it seems like there one or two questions about DVD players and regions every week. Time to macke a sticky?