If I Pass On The Right, It's Your Fucking Fault

Well put, Futile Gesture.

Hypothetical: I overtake somebody and come across a vehicle in the fast(est) lane moving slower than myself.

Behind me, someone approaches even faster than me.

Any option of overtaking on the inside makes this a very dangerous situation. Is the person behind going to ‘undertake’ me just as I also change lanes to undertake? Remember, this can all happen very quickly, with blind spots all over the place.

Far better to signal for us both to be patient and signal to the slower driver requesting he change lanes. Those few lost seconds of our journey are surely better than risking them being the last of our lives.

Official Bubbadog observation:

Doesn’t danceswithcats usually drive a large truck? If so, thank you dances withcats for moving to the left lane and letting me onto the highway. Even if you slow down in the right lane your truck represents a large obstacle in the lane to which I am moving. If you didn’t move over I might be forced to stop or recklessly try to merge ahead of you. If I stop then my entrance onto the highway might be extremely dangerous for me and other motorists.

But to the guy camped out in the passing lane, talking on the cell phone, stirring his latte - may you get uncontrollable explosive diarrhea just as you pull into your driveway.

I first ran into the widespread habit of moving over to allow people to enter the highway in Iowa during my grad school days. I find it considerate.

But I hate this argument. No one ever wins because what you’re looking at is the clash of conflicting laws.

A) It is illegal, under any circumstance, to exceed the posted speed limit


B) Slower traffic should keep right.

I’ve always come down on a compromise. Yes, slower traffic should keep right…but with the speed limit posted if someone is travelling at that limit they’re under no obligation to move right because, in theory, no one can be travelling faster than that and still be within the law.

I realize it’s custom in the United States to exceed posted highway speed by up to 10 MPH (and I frequently exceed that myself) but I don’t get worked up about it (as people display right here in this thread) when people don’t conform to my wishes.

Here’s some helpful links:


Interesting from this one that whomever it was posting from Alaska that this link states that driving in the left lane is specifically allowed if one is driving the speed limit.

Then toss in the material that Toledo police have ticketed people for going less than the flow of traffic even when that traffic was exceeding the speed limit with the judge in New York who refuses to convict drivers blocking speeders. Ugh.

Really, there’s no answer here and judge self-righteousness on both sides. This is an argument that isn’t worth our time. I’d rather see another political argument than this again.

Creeping? How about “zooming”. Traffic way behind me isn’t my concern. I shouldn’t have to start worrying about how I’m going to get out of their way until they are behind me. No one has the right to 200 yards of empty lane in front of them, just in case they want to accelerate into it.

The room was in my blind spot, not along side me. The room may now exist beside me, but because he’s presumably now right behind it and travelling faster than me (or was last time I saw him) I’m not willing to move into it.

I’m doing the same as the guy behind me, but I’m giving others around me a bit more room without squeezing in and out of lanes and not doing 20mph over the speed limit.

Congratulations! When exactly did you pass the law enforcement exams and why didn’t you tell us sooner?

Oh, wait, so you didn’t and it is really none of your fucking business at what speed other people drive so you should really get your head out of your ass and not impede traffic? I see. (I notice you said you generally stay to the right, but the self-righteous attitude is still bullshit)

Way to exercise your god-given right to be a jackass on the highway.

When you’re sharing a road with them it most certainly is your business at what speed others are driving. Your life may depend on it.

But no matter how tempting it may be, I don’t deliberately block speeding idiots. Let them go take out a crash barrier well away from me.

Note: I think the UK Highway Code specifically says that if people are going faster than the speed limit you shouldn’t use that as an excuse to block them, but treat them the same way as legally faster cars, ie. pull in where possible.

Is this a Canadian usage? Living in the southern/western U.S., I’ve never heard that distinction made; the terms are pretty much interchangeable here.

It strikes me as odd that people seem to be divided into “fast lane” drivers and, for lack of a better phrase, “slow lane” drivers. Now, call me crazy, but when I’m driving, I pay attention to everything that’s going on around me, and make my decisions based on many observations. Like: Is that person going to merge? Is that guy going to try to pass me? Is that woman on the phone paying attention to the merging big-rig? Whatever the situation is, I wouldn’t dream of forcing someone who is merging to attain my speed if I can easily get over. OTOH, I wouldn’t get over if someone was in the middle of overtaking me, I’d then have to perhaps adjust my speed a bit. If I didn’t want to, well too bad, that’s the situation I got myself into by my previous choices. It seems pretty frickin’ obvious, people. My attitude is, pass on the right if you want to, if it makes sense, and if it’s safe. It’s a situation-by-situation thing.

Let us say someone is traveling 20 miles faster then you. Therefore relative to your position he is traveling exactly 20 miles an hour.

1 mile = 5280 feet.

5280 feet/hr x 20 = 105600 feet/hr x 1 hr / 60 minutes x 60 minutes / 60 seconds. = 29.333 feet/second.

I stated you should check your mirrors every 3-5 seconds(CA DMV states 2-5 FYI). In which case the car behind you moving 20 miles faster will have moved 88- 146.66666667 feet.

the CA DMV states one should look a quarter mile(1320 feet) ahead on the freeway. It does not specify a distance you should look behind, only how often you should check your mirrors. 146 feet is roughly 1/10 of 1/4 of a mile. That is appoximately 1/40th of a mile. Surely you can spot a car at more then triple that distance(less then that 200 yards you mentioned I might add). Thus giving you ample time to check, recheck and judge how much closer someone has moved, and to move over.

presumably? Check your damn blind spots. Besides, you should know where the other guy is FAR before he gets that close behind you.

Agreed, in this situation you have no obligation to move over.

My problem however with this explaination however is that often this is not the case. I come to this conclusion because if another driver has room to overtake the car to your right, switch lanes, then undertake you on the right. You probably could have changed over. Granted, I realize there may be times when you can’t. But frankly, I believe that it doesn’t occur that often.

Not a problem if they’d be passing the vehicle which just entered the highway anyway.

I don’t really get passed on the right (I can’t recall it happening–though I’ve been driving for 21 years, so I’m sure it has at some point). Unless the right lane is unsafe (debris, water, ice, or torn up road), I only drive in the passing lane if I’m actually passing. If someone can pass me on the right while I’m over in the left lane, then either they’re driving like an idiot and weaving in and out of traffic without safe distances, or I’m not really passing anyone and should move over.

Since I’m only in that lane to pass, whether or not I move over for someone behind me depends. If I’m not going the speed limit, I’ll pull over without hesitation even if it means slowing down to the speed of right-lane traffic. If I am going the speed limit but the traffic I’m passing isn’t crawling, I’ll usually be nice and pull over. However, if I’m going at least the speed limit and right-lane traffic is really crawling, I won’t. The reason is my right to travel at the speed limit is greater than your right to break the law. So I’ll pull over to be nice if it won’t inconvenience me too greatly. But I won’t if it means massively slowing down. It’s not that my rights as a person are more than yours. Just that my right is to go the speed limit (as is yours)–you don’t have the right to go faster.

I’m railing about people railing about people passing on the right. :wink:

As opposed to the people who somehow feel that the left lane is their personal domain and who take upon themselves the duty of insuring that other drivers do not exceed the posted speed limit? Yeah. I’m totally being a jackass by wanting to pass them and using the only available lane. :rolleyes:

When someone passes me on the right, I think to myself “Gosh, I must have zoned out there to have sat in the left lane for so long. I should move over.” I don’t start getting self-righteous about how I was going the posted limit and he’s a big meanie, or something. I was going slower than him. I was in the wrong lane. Yeah, he may also be speeding, but he’d still be speeding if he passed me on the other side. Why are people so up in arms about which side of your car someone sped by?

Astute question. The short answer is “no”. When I see an entrance ramp up ahead with cars merging in, this is what I do:

  1. Check my speed, make sure it’s 60. Too fast or too slow = potential problem.

  2. Gauge their speed relative to mine. If it looks safer to pass them before they merge, I speed up and do so. If it looks like they are speeding up quickly or are already at my speed, I slow down and give them at least 4 or 5 car lengths to merge in ahead of me. If it looks at all confusing, I give a quick flash of the headlights to signal them in ahead of me. This is where but sometimes necessary.

  3. If it looks like the merge will be annoying, like they are going really slowly but I can’t safely get ahead, I check the left lane. If it is EMPTY, I’ll pull left. If not, I’ll stay put and deal.

See, I know I can deal with traffic in my lane going slower than me. I don’t know if the maniac in the left lane can do the same. Therefore, I trust only myself, not the guy rushing his pregnant wife to the hospital/drunk driver/teenager celebrated getting her license that day/whoever the fuck it is who is speeding by in the left lane.

Agreed. That’s why I initially check my speed, to prevent surprises for the merging car.

I really don’t think my driving style at entrance ramps is hazardous. Even if it is, it is no more hazardous than jumping in front of speeding cars in the left lane.

You and me both.

Yeah, but what if the woman merging doesn’t see you?

See, staying in your lane is always better than changing lanes. Changing lanes adds risk and unpredictability. Someone is merging, so they are changing lanes. (Into the right lane from the ramp.) That’s 1 merge. If I move over, I must move back, plus the original merge, that’s 3 lane changes. Unnecessary IMO.

Fuck preview. Sorry if there’s typos or coding issues.

Thank you. You have your head on straight unlike half the people on the road.

Yes, their is a good reason; youre not supposed to be only going the speed limit in the left lanes.

To explain the behavior, which is pretty organic by now and irrespective of law, if you want to drive the speed limit, fine; thats what the right lane is for. Every lane to the left your speed should increase 5-10 mph. In an eight lane freeway, four lanes to a side, dont get in the far left lane if you wont or cant do 80-85 mph. Much the same as if your car doesnt run, you dont wheel it out into the middle of a 25 mph road and park it there.

Time was youd get a ticket for that shit, just as you would for parking your car in the middle of a 25 mph road. On a road where everyones doing 80, by doing 65 youre a danger to everyone around you.

And that whole ‘but its the laaaaw <sniff>’ bullshit is just an easy excuse for being an asshole. Speed limits are guidelines for those too fucking stupid to be able to know when they are no longer in control of their car.

Go ahead, drive the limit, be the lowest common-denominator, but stay in the lane reserved for your type; the far right one. The special lane. Unless of course parking your car in the middle of 25-30 mph streets gets you off.

And to clarify some things that some seem confused about:

A ‘passing’ lane is one youd find on a highway, which typically have only two lanes, one in each direction. Occasionally a second lane will open up on highways so that old people in RVs and truckers can get in the riht lane, and all those behind them can pass before their blood pressure gets too high. The lane on the left in these scenarios is a ‘passing lane’.

Another ‘passing lane’ is the lanes on the left of broad city streets/avenues, though even that is arguable in the presence of parked cars along the right.

On freeways, there are no ‘passing lanes’. There are ‘fast lanes’, also known as ‘through lanes’. If I drive south to LA for example, I drive through San Jose, which means I keep my ass in the left lanes, clearing the right lanes for people visiting San Jose or people who live in San Jose who are getting on and off the freeway in a relatively short time. Not only is there nothing wrong with staying in the left lanes on freeways, its goddamn required for safe driving in urban areas if youre just passing through. One does not get into the right lanes unless one either insists on driving the speed limit for some weird reason or one is about to leave the freeway. In all other instances, you should be in the left lanes.

Is any of this in the Cal DMV book? Probably not, but then the DMV book is notoriously out of touch with the way people actually drive and what actually works and how traffic flows the smoothest. Bear in mind its the Cal DMV that, in their infinite wisdom, makes semi’s drive at 55, thus creating large obstacles for all those entering/exiting the freeway. Might as well plop a goddamn house trailer in the middle of a 20mph road. That will make things ‘safer’. Also bear in mind its the Cal DMV who created car pool lanes, and brilliantly decided to ticket single drivers who use it, but dont ticket cars with 2 or more who do not. So at peak hours, an eight lane freeway, four lanes to a side, is effectively reduced to a four lane freeway, two to a side, when on the right you have semi’s doing 55 and on the left is a goddamn car pool lane. This is their answer to solving ‘gridlock’, i.e causing more of it. But hey, never let reality intrude on a good theory or pet ideology.

And the whole driving fast=driving dangerously bullshit is just that, bullshit. Sure, on a road full of people doing 30, driving 60 is dangerous, but on an empty road or a road full of people doing 90, doing 90 is less dangerous than if you were to be driving slower. Its not ones speed itself that is dangerous, its ones speed in relation to the speed of others.

Now, if one is an automaton, I could see how this constant evaluation of ones environment and adjusting accordingly might seem a little challenging; far easier to just read a sign and let the thinking be done for you so you can concentrate on more interesting things than driving. But laziness and lack of paying attention is far more dangerous to yourself and those around you than any particular speed you happen to be going.

I drive 80-85 pretty much all the time on freeways; not only is that the speed at which my car is the most fuel efficient, its also the common average speed of those around me, since I stay primarily in the left lanes in order to free up the right ones for people getting on and off the freeway and semi’s. Ive never had a ticket in my life and never been in a wreck; indeed, my speed has allowed me on at least three occasions to quickly get out of/away from situations that would have resulted in a wreck had I been driving slower. Part of the safety rating of cars is how quickly they can accelerate out of the way of danger, and while the perception is that low horse power cars are somehow more ‘socially responsible’ than higher ones, its not the reality; they are more dangerous: to their owners as far as getting out of the way of danger and to those around them as far as creating an unnecessary obstacle.

The biggest causes of people being in blind spots, passing on the right, zooming up behind, getting road rage at any inconvenience, pulling to the left to allow merging, pulling to the left for any vehicle that is stopped on the side of the road, ( looking at you truckers here ) ( I know your wind wall can cause problems and it is safer for anyone on foot beside the road to have you move over but you are high and can see the sticker for the abandoned car and see the guy on the cell phone so why pull your 45 MPH ass going up the hill out in front of the string of 80 MPH cars coming up on the left?) creeping up on people too close, …

The reason is ::
Lazy driving,
Cruse control, Cruse control, Cruse control, Cruse control, Cruse control,

And peoples reluctance to make a change in it.

They are not all the same and up hill and down hill and level speeds are not the exact same and we are lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, and willing to risk our lives because we don’t want to make even that little effort to change the cruise control.

Second to that is peoples need to be right even when right = dead right…

The automobile = the most effective population control device we refuse to let go of …

YMMV <— *:: snicker ::: I could not help it ::: *

IME the vast majority of right side passers are on city streets through intersections where cars are parked in said lane past the intersection.

Ya know what? That pisses me off. How is your time that much more valuable than mine that you think you can cut in front of the 10 or 12 cars who are obeying the law? Leave the house 5 minutes earlier, then you won’t need to count on my letting you in in front of me, because more often than not, I won’t.

On expressways, I don’t care where you pass me as long as I can see you.