If liberals don't like the politics in red states...

Why don’t they just move there, and turn them blue?

Is this a serious question?

People have jobs, families and lives. They aren’t going to uproot them to make an immeasurable difference in a state’s political makeup. Very few people who live in New York City are going to want to move to rural Alabama, at least not for a reason this silly.

I live in blue Illinois next to red Indiana. Indiana (Mike Pence) put into legislation, put on the fucking books, that it was A-OK to descriminate against homosexuals. Move to Indiana? I don’t think so.

Conservatives bitch constantly about politics in blue states. Why don’t they move there and turn them red?

We are.

We’ll have Arizona this election, and Texas by 2024.

What state have conservatives managed to turn red through population migration lately?

I think there was a movement by Libertarians to all move to New Hampshire to turn it into libertopia. Also a movement by Dominionists to turn South Carolina into as much of a theocracy as the feds would allow. Both movements fizzled, and these were states where the political environment was already in line with those movements.

For 50 years or so the US population is moving south and west. Sunbelt states are full of transplants from the Midwest and northeast. Around here in NC it’s almost rare to find a native NC person. Not all of them are liberal but some are. Some are conservative and moved here to get away from liberal states.

Dems took Virginia, NC is next and then Georgia.

Because they don’t like the politics in red states?

Because it would mean living someplace like…(shudder) Kansas.

Maybe. Texas is really big and will take a lot to swing. There is also the question of what sort of voter suppression efforts the Republicans will implement before then. And as mentioned it works both ways. My guess is that the reason PA, MI, and WI turned red in 2016 is because liberals moved out at higher rates than conservatives. It’s likely happening in Minnesota as well, they just started further to the left than those other three states. Florida is still purple due to the same phenomenon, with lot of seniors moving there keeping the state purple. Arizona is an interesting case, as it’s also a popular retirement spot.

If I could, I would. I vastly prefer to live in rural areas. My job, however, is generally geographically tied to large cities. Hopefully that will change, now that companies have been forced to accept that many positions can be filled remotely.

Democrats won New York and California by overwhelming margins, which didn’t do them a bit of good. But if just a few million such Democrats left CA and NY and went into population-sparse states like Wyoming or Alaska…

After you.

The Ukulele Lady has been urging me to move in with my sister in Ohio and work for Democrats. I patiently explain that my sister lives in Cleveland, and that everyone up there already votes for Democrats.

I would have to live in those ghastly Southern patches down between Dayton and Cincinnati and Columbus where they elected shits like Gym Jordan and Drinky McExhousespeaker, and those crackers might try to murder me. Also, no free rent.

And live where? Do what? Eat how? Quite a few jobs in California or New York probably will not transfer very well to Wyoming or Alaska. Also, life in Alaska and Wyoming is hard. There’s a reason the population is sparse. So are the resources. And the amenities.

There are better ways to win the electoral college.

I agree, it’s a heavy lift to get Texas by 2024. But I’m an incurable optimist. :slight_smile:

Trump is helping a lot. Biden is within a point of Trump there at present. I realize it’s still 5 months till the election, but I have the feeling positions are quite hardened at this point. The recent polls look terrible for Trump.

Now, I’m a scalded cat and I’ll never say never re Trump stealing another election. But it’s getting harder for him to do it by the day. It only works when elections are close, and I don’t think this one is going to be. Voter turnout was historically high in 2018 (Vox). I see no reason why it may have fallen from then till now – and lots of reasons why it will rise.

I also think Wisconsin 2019 shows just how determined Democrats are to turn out for 2020. They’re going to vote. No matter what.

My wife and I certainly did our part — inadvertently! We moved to Wisconsin five years ago. Here, in 2016 and again in 2020, every vote is worth its weight in gold (well, you know what I mean).

What makes like in Wyoming hard?

There is nothing that could make me live in Mississippi, Arkansas, and the like. As much as I’m into politics, it’s only part of life. Turning a red state blue is a noble objective, but I’m not going to sacrifice my quality of life for it.