If the World Were a Village of 100 People...

If the world’s population of nearly five billion people were reduced to a village of 100 people, this would be the result:

58 would be Asians
12 would be Africans
10 would be Europeans
8 would be Latin Americans
5 would be North Americans
1 would be Australian or New Zealander

17 people would speak Mandarin
9 people would speak English
8 people would speak Hindu or Urdu
6 people would speak Russian
6 people would speak Spanish
4 people would speak Arabic
The rest would speak Bengali, Portuguese, Indonesian, Japanese, German, French and 20 other languages!

29 would be Christians
17 would have no religion
14 would be Moslems
13 would be Hindus
12 would be Buddhists
9 would be Confucian and Shinto
5 would be Animist (traditional)
1 would be Jewish

70 would be illiterate
1 would have a college education

50 would be malnourished
33 would not have clean, safe drinking water

Excerpt from Unheard Voices: Celebrating Cultures from the Developing World, A Guide for Introducing Global Education to the Classroom

98 people would post a majority of their posts in English.
1 person would post in Bjornese.
1 person would post in SerlinTalk.

Sex Education
45 people would have picked it up from Cecil’s writings.
15 people would have learned everything they needed to know from HBO’s Real Sex.
15 people would have learned from frank discussions with their parents.
15 people would have learned it from school.
5 people would have learned it from some kid in gym class who called it “Pole Shining”
2 people would have learned from old National Geographics.
1 person learned it from Bazooka Joe.

99 people would have used the internet to post messages.
1 person posts by puttng notes in the microwave.

3 of the people will constantly have bad things to say about the moderators.
14 people will have permanent grudge matches and every chance they get will flame their opponent.
1 person will post to every thread, and never notice anything anyone says to them.
7 people will live permanently in MPSIMS
2 people will live permanently in BBQ pit, but this 15 changes due to stress related illness, and days in lock up.
10 people will live permanently in GQ. Their brain is so large, they need to wear a helmet to catch brain ooze.
4 people live permanently in GD.
the rest have passports that allow them to pass from one forum to the other.

1 person is a constant troll who comes back every few days.
75 people accuse the other 25 of being that constant troll.

Bionic Man

47 would like Jamie Summers
32 would like Steve Austin
11 Would like Max the bionic dog
8 Prefer Bionic Bogfoot
2 Like Masketron

70 – missionary
20 – woman astride
6 – doggie
2 – standing
1 – masturbating
1 – watching

…37 would be passing this inaccurate piece of glurge around by e-mail on a 24x7 basis (of course, if the world were a village of 100 people, a year would only have six seconds in it, so that effort is not as impressive as it sounds).

Incidentally, the world’s population passed “nearly five billion” quite some time, so that may account for some of the other inaccuracies in it. Mostly, though, it’s probably wrong from the start.

…we’d probably still be trying to count votes and figure out who the next President will be.

…on the otherhand, if there were only 100 people in the world, I’d probably get to know jjjfishe personally…


… I’d STILL wind up in the slowest grocery check-out line…

<sighing the sigh of the long-suffering mom…>

Who would teach the person who got college education?
I suppose he/she would have to kill the teacher right after graduation.

Yes, all flames no doubt. heh heh.

35 would be driving over the speed limit slightly.
30 would be driving way over the speed limit.
15 would be driving under the speed limit.
10 would be swerving across the highway.
5 would be chasing you with guns blazing, in a fit of road rage.
5 would be stopped on the on ramp, waiting for traffic to let them in.

95 would be stopped on the ramp, waiting for traffic to let them in.
5 would be swerving across the highway.

and the carpool lane would be empty.

1 would be a politician
10 would be people working for that politician
5 would be lawyers trying to influence that one politician
20 would be people working for lawyers trying to influence that one politician

The rest? F*** 'em.

[Hillary Clinton]
We’d all be able to raise a child…together.
[/Hillary Clinton]
<ducks and runs>

Being as I spend at least twenty minutes figuring this out the last time we did this topic


I’m going to reuse my previous post.

This time, to make it interesting, everyone pick their spot. Hurry up! There’s only room for five Americans and I just called dibs on one of them.

And I’ve got number 2 . . .

I get to be the Canadian, tho!

Nationality: I’ll call one of the 13 “other” and pick Australian.
Religion: I’ll call one of the 4 Confucian-Taoists, just to confuse things.

I’ve already started setting up booby traps surrounding Australia. Anyone else who wants to join up needs to let me know ASAP so that I can let you in.

Um, it’d be a lot of work but I think we could repopulate the planet (…or at least Canada). :smiley:

Oooh! Oooh! I get to be a Therevada Bangladeshi!