If they chose to, could Texas secede from the union?

Y’all recall, there was a petition at the White House petition site last year to allow Texas to secede. It got plenty enough signatures for the Obama Administration to post a response (saying, obviously, that ain’t happening). sigh That was probably our last best chance too.

Today I saw that there’s an petition there to let Alaska secede, and give the state back to Russia. That, of course, also ain’t likely to happen.

:lightbulb: How about let’s give Texas to Russia? It will be a win-win fer sure!

That wouldn’t happen. The Yankees would be lined up at our border begging to buy our oil.

I wasn’t really considering what happened after the Civil War in that post. Just considering the definition of treason and if it could apply generally to a seceding populace.

Is someone technically a traitor who votes to secede from the Union? Even if no punishment was enforced for practical considerations.

Maybe just taking up arms would count. Not just being a secessionist.

As cute as that is, the GQ answer is Texas v. White (1868)

Which MEBuckner noted back in Post #24.

Not so much California, as noted earlier, but Vermont was also an independent republic before it joined the Union in 1791: Vermont Republic - Wikipedia

A fun map: http://i.imgur.com/hmNtxdc.gif

Treason is, as it happens, the only crime specifically defined in the U.S. Constitution. See Art. III, Sec. 3, cl. 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Once again, I trot out the map of the 2012 Election. Actually, this shows four different versions–from the simplistic Red States / Blue States to one showing votes per county–with intensity of color to indicate population density. That’s the big one.

Our cities are Blue; they definitely would be against secession. The Border counties are Blue; the color is pale because population is sparse down there.

Of course, damn few of our Republicans would be for secession, either. Governor Good Hair hinted at it when he was scared Kay Bailey Hutchison wanted to run for Governor. (She was our Relatively Sane Republican Senator–replaced after retirement by the loathsome Ted Cruz.) Since then, Ricky embarrassed himself by trying for the Presidential Nomination. Which he threatens to do again. (Hey, he’s an Aggie.)

Also, we’ve got a fair number of military/air bases. Which could hardly be taken by Ted Nugent & his “well armed” friends…

Sorry, we’re staying!

So asking about the government “doing a Lincoln” in response to a state seceding wasn’t a Civil War reference?

Yep. Shouldn’t have put that in there. A little over the top as far as what I was really interested in learning.

The phrasing in the Constitution concerning treason…could secession be considered as treason by that wording? I’m no lawyer. Sure looks like taking up arms against the USA would be.

It would play out just like the last one did. The US would run a resupply convoy into Fort Sam Houston or Lackland AFB, all arrogant-like and just sit back and wait for some redneck to take a shot at them with his AR-15. Then the drones would level anything that moved outside the cities until everybody surrendered. But until someone in Texas “levys war” against us, I don’t think a charge of treason will stick. Maybe we could get them on a littering charge if they don’t police their brass. That’s a Capital Offense in Texas anyway.