If Those Frozen Corpses Are Revived?

There are several hundred bodies sleeping awy the years, in a bath of liquid nitrogen (Alcor)? Suppose it is 2216…and with advanced cell reconstruction technologies, we can start reviving them. Will these people be able to adpat to the tremedous social changes of the last 200 years? Or would they have to live in some special colony?
I find the possibility of such “Rip Van Winkels” interesting…would they be able to integrate with the society of these days?

They will stink and rot away. They haven’t been “sleeping away the years”-They’ve been corpses.

It was long ago but I actually got into this discussion with my grandmother back when cryo was first getting popular. She was in her late 90s at the time and of the opinion that even with living through it all she felt she had barely adapted; to have gone asleep and suddenly woken up in 1981 she felt she would have been lost. And this is before the serious tech revolution really got underway. I will assume her age made her a little pessimistic about it all (looking back in a sort of retrospective) but I’m betting it would be tough.

Actually, Alcor just got it’s 141st body, not “hundreds”. By the way, not all of the cryos on the premises are whole bodies-a lot of people only have their brains preserved because of cost constraints, so I’m not sure how many total dead whole people they have on premises.

Boy, going to sci-fi movies with you must be a blast. :stuck_out_tongue:

"The worm isn’t the spice! Look at it! It’s a WORM! This whole concept is ludicrous!"

I’d like to think I’d be able to handle a bit of future shock (which is the thrust of the IMHO question, right?) with no problem. My generation has experienced just the right level of rapid technological innovation that you could put “indistinguishable from magic”-level stuff in front of me and my reaction would be closer to delighted than nonplussed.

Adaptation to social constructs are harder to predict since it’s hard to predict what several centuries might bring us. Two hundred years might find any number of currently normative concepts to be not only antiquated but repulsive. Gender identification, religion, relationships, and so on. It’s easy to imagine a scenario where I’d end up a recluse or even an outcast.

Philip Jose Farmer wrote a novel (either Dayworld Rebel or Dayworld Breakup) that addressed this issue. A bunch of cryogenically frozen people were awakened and, IIRC, put to work doing physical labor. The novel wasn’t about them, really, or how they integrated, though.