If trump died

The upside of Trump dying:

It would ensure he doesn’t get re-elected in 2024. I’d say he doesn’t have a chance anyway but he managed to stumble his way in once so it’s not a sure thing.

The possible downsides of Trump dying:

Trump may be the worst Republican out there but the Republican party as a whole is hurting America. Trump divides and weakens the Republican party, which is good for America.

Trump is lazy and stupid, which limits the amount of damage he does. If Trump dies, somebody else may take over his movement and this new person might be competent.

Trump might make better 'Presidential" decisions as a festering corpse!

It’s sort of like the old question: if you went back in time would you kill Hitler? True, he was a monster but if he didn’t exist would a worse monster have appeared? There’s no denying that Donnie’s demise will bring worldwide joy not seen since the moon landing, but is there someone waiting in the wings who would make a better run at destroying democracy? For me it boils down to be careful what you wish for. I think it would be better if he is convicted and sentenced to hard labor as that might deter fascists in the making.

It’s really not a matter of “if”. He’s going to die, sooner or later, and given his age and his overall state of health, it’s probably sooner.

True. But the difficult question is whether it’ll be sooner enough to derail his intended destruction of the United States.

“I have never wished anyone dead, but I have read some obituaries with a great deal of satisfaction.” - Clarence Darrow (attrib.)

Trump’s death would be good for the country in the short term, as it would keep him out of the White House forever and end his malign personal role in American politics. But other Republicans will certainly want to use his playbook of lies, demagoguery, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, science denial and bigotry to snag the Presidency, and some of them won’t have his compensating flaws of incompetence, laziness and a short attention span.

Even if none of his children turn out to have any talent at leading the MAGAhead masses, Trump’s death will not end Trumpism, I fear.

That’s going to happen anyway. I’m sure many Republicans are kicking themselves over the realization that they hadn’t sunk as low as they could have. Now that they’ve seen it’s possible, they’re going to do it.

But as long as Trump is around, he will lay claim to a share of the deplorables. Trump has no concern about the Republican party or anything other than himself. So he won’t hand over his followers to another candidate, even in an election he himself can’t win. That’s going to make it difficult for any Republican other than Trump to win a presidential election until Trump dies.

Mod hat on: You may not wish him dead, but you certainly may give your honest opinion on your reaction to his death.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

I agree that an “America First” sentiment is not going away in the near future. But Trump simply uses the “America First” rhetoric as a means to his real ends: ultimate power for Donald Trump.

If there’s one tiny bright spot in a bleak sea of shit, it’s that Donald is ripping a horrible political party apart in his quest for power and adulation. The deplorables’ movement and drive for power can’t last for long but it is terribly dangerous for democracy and the nation while it’s as strong as it is.

I think one could imagine the spectacle of various different claimants to the mantle. Though as to which of the True Trumpians, the Make America Greater Still (Reformed) Trumpians or Trumpians United would be the (so to speak) Sunni or Shia or Wee Frees of the movement - who knows? The fight might add to the gaiety of nations, though.

I’m assuming he dies from a cheeseburger overdose, not from violence.
The GOP has no real leadership now, and not much of a platform. Remember the 2020 platform was whatever Donnie wants. So the various claimants to the throne will devote all their effort to attacking each other.
While Trump will be immune from prosecution, his company and kids won’t be, so we won’t have to worry about them. I doubt that any of the dirt that would come out would affect the faithful at all though.
I think it possible that some Republicans in Congress, looking at the polls and not having to worry about being attacked by Trump any more, might be a bit bipartisan and support new laws with high support. Not a lot, but some.
So, definitely good.
Anyhow you could fund the infrastructure bill by selling slots for dancing on his grave.

Fascists are deterred by the mistakes of previous fascists. They are inspired by them; they believe they can succeed where others have failed. Trump going to jail isn’t going to discourage someone like Hawley or Green or worse.

It would be terrible for American democracy. It would energize his base, who would absolutely believe that Hillary or Obama or Kamala did it. Or George Soros. Or Hugo Chavez (yes, I know he’s dead, but that didn’t stop him from stealing the last election, did it?).

And someone like Tucker Carlson would emerge as the leader of the base, someone smarter and more effective than Donald Trump. And that’s terrifying.

That’s not a joke. That’s what would happen.

It would not disperse them. It would unify them. You think January 6 was bad?

I seriously wish Trump a long, healthy (and quiet) life.

Do you mean “not deterred”?

The Republican Party has a lot of mini-Trumps who will run for President if Trump doesn’t run, whatever the reason for him not running.

While they will split up support, Trumpists have majority support within the population of Republican primary voters, so one of the Trumpists will rise to the top and win that. They will probably lose the 2024 election, but we can all imagine the tactics they will use against an 82 year old, or a Black/South Asian woman.

I can see someone smarter and more effective than Trump taking up the mantle, but I don’t see any way that Tucker would be that person. He is one of few people currently in public life who is even more stupid than Donald himself.

Who would believe it?

I lurk at the OAN board, and sometimes post there (that’s me at my most masochistic), and I have to second this. Any politician who doesn’t subscribe 100% to what Trump thinks receives calls for replacement. A few weeks ago, Susan Collins sided with the Democrats in undoing Trump’s methane policy (of all things), and the “RINO” and anti-Trump cries were astonishing. When I asked why a politician had to be in 100% lockstep with him, I was told that anything else would destroy the unity within the party.
