If you could snap your fingers and render one species globally extinct, would you?

Er, Republicans?

But if there were no humans then who would there be to appreciate the eco system?
Animals arent actually aware of the concept,if a tree falls in the forest and theres no one there does it make a sound?

Most definitely, yes I would, the species that’d go bye-bye?


dear Og I HATE ticks, nothing eats 'em, they’re nothing but a disease vector, totally useless animal…

if i could have a more global choice, I’d obliterate ALL insects/arachnids that feed on blood, say goodbye to ticks, mosquitoes, deerflies, horseflies, mooseflies, black flies and stable flies

Since no one else will say it I nominate Homosapiens. This will conceivably eliminate the extinction of many other species. By making this nomination I believe I’ve out-liberaled all the liberals on these boards. :cool:

See… uh, just about every other post.
My recommendation is unicorns.

Sure. The AIDS virus.

If we can nominate politicians, then why not telemarketers as well?

To those who voted for humans :rolleyes:

Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.

  • Robert Heinlein

Humans as a whole are a menace. Individually, very few are particularly terrible. If we want to do some good for this planet, we’d need to wipe ourselves out.

If it happens anytime soon, I won’t have any great regrets over it.

Malaria parasite, definitely. Or the sleeping sickness parasite.

Second vote for poison ivy … poor mrAru can look at a picture and get it, I think. I have yet to see him since we moved to CT in 1990 without an outbreak somewhere other than the times he was on cruises that lasted longer than 60 days. Of course he promptly got it once back home.

lLthough it did help him dress as a leper one SCA event … the idiots at MilMed gave him calamine lotion and told him to come back if it got worse, so he had suppurating calamine infused scabs over most of his arms and legs so we just loosely wrapped them in gauze and dressed him in a dhoti and djeleba, and he sat with a begging bowl and worked on some woodcarving he was doing. Made 36 cents too =)

Staphylococcus aureus.

Fire ants, fire ants, and fire ants.

Evil fuckers. The *only * redeeming use they have is to help birds preen, and even then they aren’t vital or even necessary.

Birds of Paradise and Peacocks

Show off bastards


Naked mole rats. The thought that those disgusting little bastards are scurrying around under the ground, even on another continent, creeps me right out.

If humans are a menace then one less would make up slightly less menacing. Like Hienlien’s saying, ‘you first’, help us all out.

I’ll stick with macroscopic animals and say Black Widow Spiders.

Although I don’t like spiders, I recognize the valuable role they play in the ecosystem. But there’s no need for one of them to be that poisonous.

If there’s another species of spider that does more harm to humans, I’ll change my vote.

What does “some good for this planet” even mean? If you’re talking about ecological homeostasis (not that a sudden abandonment of all power stations would result in homeostasis), that’s not “good” in any traditional sense. Tom Reagan, a professor of philosophy at NC State and probably the lead intellectual advocate of animal rights philosophy, calls such an approach “ecological fascism” for its deliberate disregard for the welfare of any individual in favor of a focus on the good of the group.

No, eliminating humans, much less turning us all into weiner dogs, is a lousy idea.


Tsetse flies or mosquitoes. Yes, they have their place in the world’s ecosystem, but for my money we’d all be a lot better off without 'em.