If you had to choose the method of your death, what would it be?

I’ve already posted it, but I’ll repeat myself for vanity’s sake:

Step One: Shave my head.
Step Two: Tie myself to a 220 foot bridge by the ankles with 110 feet of rope.
Step Three: Tie 90 feet of 400lbs fishing line around my neck and to the bridge.
Step Four: Superglue my hands to my head.
Step Five: Jump off the bridge.
Unfortunately, this is not original, but it’s still my favorite.

Kidney failure. At the time James Michener died from it, experts were pointing out that that’s probably one of the most pleasant ways to go as far as discomfort goes. You just sort of gently drift off, they said.

But I’m reminded of the old joke: “I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, and not screaming and yelling like his passengers.” :smiley:

You’d hardly know if you were coming or going.

Driving off of a cliff on a nice sunny day a la Thelma & Louise.

If I can’t die in my sleep, without being in pain for days, I vote for assassination. One bullet.

Either that, or getting disoriented and falling off of Mt. Everest.

Vacuum metastability event. The universe as we know it being annihilated at light speed.

Aren’t you supposed to be reborn, at least in simulated form, at the Omega Point?

For some reason this really made me laugh when I read it.

That’s kind of the point.

When I die, I’m taking you all with me.

Being slowly crushed under a truck, with cold and dirty oil dripping from the crankcase on my face, actually.

Better than live organ donation.

Been readin’ your Stephen King again, huh?
Whatsamatta, dying in bed after a super lay and some great vino not good enough for ya?

Since Star Trek answers are allowed: Death by Nexus.

I’m partial to the idea of being transfixed to the wall by a whaling harpoon, after a night of rum binging.

Picturesque, what?

I would like to be called out on an untenable proposition, and vanish in a puff of logic.

Anything that happens fast, completely enough that they don’t try to bring me back, while I’m having fun, and while I’m still young. Drunkenly riding a motorcycle off a skyscraper could be cool.

Please, please, just don’t let it be one of those diseases they have on House. The half-dozen false-start treatments that make the actual illness much more painful and nigh-fatal would really be irritating. And then being in one of the episodes where they actually lose a patient would just be the cherry on that suck-sundae.

Believe me, I’d know;)

One is white and the other is yellow.

Yeah, but if you’re dying, either one could be any color.