If you had to choose the method of your death, what would it be?

One of those straight-down plane crashes would do the trick nicely. Not a glancing-blow crash-landing kind of thing where some people survive with grievous injuries, but a vertical impact at several hundred MPH where there’s nothing left larger than a few inches. Once you’re past the fear over the ending of your life (think Jeff Bridges in Fearless), the actual snuffing itself would be painless; your body and brain would be absolutely obliterated before you’d have any chance to perceive any pain signals.

I’d go get a giant garbage bag full of argon (TIG welder in the garage); lie down in bed; insert head in bag, tape snugly to neck; and breathe normally. Pass out painlessly, die from asphyxia before CO2 builds up to uncomfortable levels.

I’d like to explode, just walking down the street.

At home, in bed, at an advanced age. I don’t like excitement.

Instantaniously and totally unexpectedly.

Decapitation. I want to experience, firsthand, how long the brain stays conscious after separation.

Hahahaha! That was the laugh I needed. Thank you!

Sorry, that will only get you a fractured pelvis. :wink:

A long time ago my best friend and I agreed to die at 80 years old of carbon monoxide poisoning during a sleepover.

This still seems like the best way to go, but I’ve agreed with my husband to live until 100, so I will modify the plan somewhat.

On an upstroke!

That way, you get two more strokes in.
One when you fall, the other when they pull you off.

I cannot be the only one that’s heard this. But I was the first to post!

Benny Hill once told a story of a monarch of a country where the women were… BIG (said with appropriate hand gestures). The king had a whole bunch of wives - big ones, of course. He was a little withered up old thing, about thirty. One day, he got stuck in a revolving door with a couple of his wives - BIG ONES! - and he was massaged to death. It took the morticians days to get the smile off his face.
(Hill’s pronunciation of “massaged”, with the emphasis on the first syllable, made this anecdote memorable.)*

Steven King once suggested that most of us would prefer to die at age 90, after a wonderful meal, a bottle of truly excellent vino, and a really super lay. (He went on to observe that no one really wanted to experience being slowly crushed under a truck, with cold and dirty oil dripping from the crankcase on your face - but then that’s King for you).

My dad always said he wanted to be shot at age 90 by a jealous husband - and to be guilty.

I want to die due to the Earth exploding.

I don’t think the world should get to keep on living after me.

Here are some other answers…

Mine is included there…

Suicide . . . something quick and painless, and not involving fire or water.

Seriously, I imagine at some point in my later years, my various medical problems will catch up with me, and life will no longer be worth living. Especially if I have mental impairment, I will live it up as long as I can, and then end it all. I saw Alzheimer’s turn my father into a vegetable, and what it to my mother. I wouldn’t want to put my partner through that.

Fighting the horde, singing and crying “Valhalla, I am coming”.

What? You expected anything less from me? Seriously? Have you been paying attention? :smiley:

Personally, I want my brain fucked out, but yeah, this.

Flying beyond the event horizon of a black hole.

I want to go out the say way I came in.

Naked,screaming and covered in someone else’s blood.

Or a heart attack on stage - guaranteed, people will think it’s part of the show.
On the plus side, I won’t have to help with the lugout.

“What are you complaining about? We have to walk back!”

Driving a stolen Ferrari into a brick wall at 170 MPH in front of a crowd of terrified onlookers, laughing maniacally the whole time.

When I’m, say, ninety years old, and I’m flying home from Africa after establishing a hospital or doing something good like that, I want the plane to crash into the sea. I feel kind of bad about the other passengers, but meh.

What the hell is snu-snu??? :confused:

OK I just Wikipedia’d it… Now I understand!! (No TV since the 90s, miss lots of cultural references!! :slight_smile: