If you let your kid go on a sleepover, you are evil!

I also came from a large family and lived in a small ‘safe’ town. I don’t know if my parents had a laissez-faire attitude towards child rearing or were just exhausted by our antics but I had little supervision growing up. I was encouraged to sleep over anywhere, anytime I was invited. If you ask me sleepovers are overrated for fun.

My first experince involved a gang of five other girls trying to rip my PJ bottoms off and shine a flashlight on my pussy. At least they didn’t try to shove it in!
During my second sleepover, I awoke in the middle of the night to a hand squeezing my left breast. As there wasn’t much to grasp onto at that age, I wondered what in the hell my girlfriend’s brother was doing.
Another time a different girlfriend’s brother made me crawl into a sleeping bag with his friend so his buddy could fondle my privates.
All of the incidences occured in elementary school.

I never thought it was a big deal, all part of growing up -right?

Clearly I was going to the wrong slumber parties. All we ever did was stay up all night and beat Ghouls & Ghosts.

That’s a sega game, you pervs.

I just want to wildly applaud MandaJO 's post - no one handles delicate subjects like she does.

I was a fiercely overprotected kid - I could play soccer with the boys but all of my friendly and social contact with them was severely supervised and proscribed. My mom assumed that every male friend of mine would force sex on me if her vigilance dropped for even a second. Sleepovers? Ha. I think I went to 2 in 18 years. She tried to teach me to be afraid of people and their motives. It was done out of love and a desire to protect me, but that doesn’t change how stifling it was.

The good news is that it didn’t work, obviously, as I spent my weekend getting drunk with you lot.

This “We Must Think Of The Children” crap has just gone too far in America. We complain that kids are growing up too fast, yet we infantilize and sexualize our children to a sickening degree.

You idiots just don’t get it. It’s not just about the perverts that the parents might let into the sleepover.

How do you know all the other kids are going to wear fire retardent pajamas? One of them could spontaneously combust with your kid standing right nearby. Think how bad you’ll feel when Johnny comes home singed.

that does it , Cranky no way in HELL am I going to let my son do a sleep over at your house.


**Cranky ** if my kids spontaenously combust at a sleepover it’s not from their lack of fire retard-ent pajamas…
[sidebar] Hey, here is a fire in the kitchen, go Grab johnny from his bed, his pj’s are fi-re re-tard-ent and beat the fire down with him. [/sidebar]
It’ll be because My Precious Little Angels brought a pack of lucky’s and a zippo.


All of them, Maeglin?

I suppose I should start checking rates on U-Hauls…

Why, what a nice thing to say in the Pit! In fact, I don’t think anyone has ever called me one of their favourite posters! In fact, uh…

[sub]she’s talking about those crazy Duke boys from Hazzard County again. Since when have they ever posted anything…[/sub] :frowning:

My nine year old daughter has been at sleepovers at a friend’s house. He happens to be male, but - as my daughter says - we aren’t “prejudiced.”

LCP, I’m guessing that was meant for another thread. Which one? It sounds like a good story.

We need guns. Lots of guns.