If you like books, I just found the coolest thing!

d_redguy, gmarkstephens and I went to an outdoor festival type thing today. We stopped in at Brueggar’s Bagels for lunch and found a book. The book had labels on it for this website. How cool! The book is cute, and pretty funny- in that pseudo British kind of way. (It’s called The Clothes They Stood Up In And The Lady In The Van by Alan Bennett, for those interested.)

The website is great! Especially if you have too many books at your house. Just thought I’d pass it along.:slight_smile:

Cool! I’ve released several books “into the wild” as bookcrossing calls it, but have yet to have any picked up.

I’m “releasing” several today. Maybe we’ll find a few of each others’. :smiley:

How odd. I just found out about this website/project today and was planning to release several books this week. Hurrah!

I love Alan Bennett, by the way. His series of monologues, called Talking Heads is wonderful. And, uh, it’s not pseudo British. It is British :wink:

My goodness, could I add a few more commas to that post?

Francesca, no insult intended. I just assumed (I know, I know…) from the NY publisher that he was an American author. Couldn’t find a bio on him, but then, the book is missing a few pages in the front. Thanks for the info, though. I won’t sound like an ass the next time I talk about it!:wink:

I have an entire bookcase that needs to go feral. Thank you.

That’s just about the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of.

I have several dozen library donations in a box by the door. I think setting them free will be way more fun.

Thanks for the link, nothing better than passing books along and now a way to potentially track them! Awesome. :slight_smile:

You are all very welcome! :smiley: I knew Dopers would like it! I’m releasing 12 books of my own today.

You just knew I’d be checking out this thread, didn’t you? :slight_smile:

I’ll take a proper look at the website, but I find the idea really intriguing.

No, I didn’t expect you per se, Biblio, but I’m glad you liked the site. I think it’s a great damn idea to recycle all your old books like that.

I wanted to add that, if you decide to participate, the additional label links are great. Much easier to print some out on paper and tape 'em on than to buy the “package” they offer. :wink:

What a coincidence! I am planning to “release” about 10 books myself whenever I can get off my lazy butt and do it, that is.