If you like Halloween/Horror Films Check This Out...

The Orphanage is indeed El Orfanato – great movie (in Spanish with subtitles), although I wish it had ended one scene earlier:

The scene with Laura telling a story to the children would have been a fantastic ending; as it was, the movie ended with Laura’s husband visiting her grave site – which was a really hamfisted way to conclude the film.

Speaking of Guillermo del Toro (he was a producer of The Orphanage), The Devil’s Backbone, which he co-wrote and directed, is a fantastic film that’s well worth seeking out.

Atrocious is another pretty good Spanish horror film.

Agree with you on both points. I really encourage anyone who thinks they won’t enjoy subtitled works to give them a try anyway.

Agreed. Some of the best ones out there are Asian…specifically Korean and Japanese.

Trick R Treat

A movie about Halloween night. It has an excellent cast and good production values. A really fun film to watch in the dark.

Night of The Demon

Bad acting? Check
Gratuitous nudity? Check
Eighties fashion? Check
Annoying Guido? Check

Typical 80s teen slasher material. Kinda fun.

A few more I wasn’t going to mention because I’m not sure they’re available via streaming and they’re dubbed, in some cases poorly (though for me that sometimes adds to the fun of a horror movie) are films I first watched as a kid in the late '70s on one of those Chiller type series (this one was called Sinister Cinema). It’s entirely possible that they terrified me because of my age: I wouldn’t know because I haven’t been able to make myself watch them again.

The Torture Chamber of Dr Sadism

This one I don’t even know if I remember correctly. Just the first scene where a dude is drawn and quartered freaked my young self out. I’ve seen this particular scenario in other films since then and in comparison the one in this film is totally tame, but the concept was new and horrifying to me

Hatchet for the Honeymoon

Parts are downright campy - even my eight year old self realized that - but the soundtrack, the visuals, even the crappy dubbing are very effective and the ending disturbed me for a lonnnnnnng time after. I own this on disc and I still haven’t rewatched it all the way through.

Death Smiles on a Murder Just, hell no. I was hesitant to even google this lest a certain photo from it pop up on the screen. Probably totally cheesy, but it had me and my best pal clung onto each other screaming and cringing.

Oh and since I’m walking down memory lane here, Burnt Offerings is always treat despite it 70’s sensibilities. What’s not to like when you’ve got the late Oliver Reed, Karen Black and Bette Davis, plus that creepy ass chauffeur

Thank you for those. BTW how do you write over the links?

After you copy and paste to the URL link box and hit enter, you’ll see a portion of it highlighted. Delete that part and type in whatever text you want.

"Let the Right One In" is one of the best vampire films and one of my favorite movies. Be sure to watch it in the original Swedish as the English dub is terrible and will ruin the experience for you.

Thank you.

Totally agree about Let The Right One In.

Theater of Blood…awesome campy fun…Bloody good. This is probably Vincent Prices best performance. The supporting cast are some of the UKs best actors of that generation. Its kind of Dr Phibes 3 but much better and much bloodier. Highly recommended.

The Taking of Deborah Logan

As if Alzheimers weremt scary enough. A nice little found footage film with an excellent cast. Warning: 60 year old nudity :eek:

Why does everyone always call her Marcy Rhodes when Fright Night comes up? She was Marcy D’arcy for the majority of the run of Mw/C.

I liked her better as a Rhodes. The show was more a social satire in those days. After Jefferson came on board the show became ridiculous…although the first two or three Jefferson seasons were very funny. :slight_smile:

I also enjoyed those.
One of the things I liked about It Follows was how it looked to be set in a non-specific time period. Modern cars mixed with cars from the 70’s, fashions from the 80’s, only one use of a cell phone that I recall and no computers or laptops shown. One character, however, uses a piece of technology that doesn’t really exist.

Ah yes, I’d forgotten about this one. Very good, and, for any of you old school [All My Children fans, said 60 year old nudity is courtesy of none other than Opal Cortlandt!

Basket Case…maybe the worst movie I have ever seen. Horrible acting, production values, SFX. The story is ridiculous. Its NYC in all its disgusting 1982 filth. Yet maybe I am alone. Its a 6.1 on SDMB. Unbelievable. Its Pink Flamingos without the humor.

When a Strange Calls (1979)

Should be good. It has an amazing cast for a slasher pic…Charles Durning, Carol Kane, Colleen Dewhurst, Ron O’Neil, the sadly late and great Rachel Roberts. It has very good production values and is easy to watch. Unfortunatly the story just isnt there. Not recommended but worth a watch if you like the slasher/thriller genre.

Young Frankenstein

im sure most of the more mature of us have seen this excellent Mel Brooks directed Frankenstein satire. Very highly recommended. It aint scary but it sure is funny. Sadly…RIP to Marty Feldman who gave an Academy Award level performance as (eye)gor in this film and died far too young.

Here’s some of my favorites from my favorite decade, the 70s…

The Little Girl who Lives Down the Lane (1976)

Jodi Foster in my first ambiguous ending. Love it.

Schizo (1976)

Stalking. Or not.

Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)

Wonderfully atmospheric disappearance film by Peter Weir.

Who can Kill a Child? (1976)

Precursor to Children of the Corn, but better and more interesting.

Tourist Trap (1979)

Chuck Connors. 'Nuff said.

The Other (1972)

Totally creepy, frigging, psycho kid.