If you like Halloween/Horror Films Check This Out...

Where can I find The Other?

I saw it on Netflix. It’s been a top recommendation ever since. As another horror movie fanatic, I’m sure you’ll really enjoy the pacing and performances. It’s a slow burner, as is most of the time period’s pieces, but the conclusion is well worth the effort.

ETA: That’s been a while. Ten years maybe? And I no longer use Netflix, so I don’t know if it’s still available.

TY…I also loved Tryons books. Read Lady in high school and loved it. He died way too early.

Regarding cinematography, narrative, dialogue…everything, really, it seemed like It Follows was produced by a film school sophomore, who’s now a dental technician.

White Noise

A very good thriller/paranormal/romantic film. Great cast/great production values/and just enough scares. Its perfect for the SO who might not appreciate the genre.

The Innkeepers (2011) is an awesome little ghost film. But a caveat. It builds slow. It develops characters. It has an excellent cast. This is not for those who prefer gore or jump scares.


A fun comedy/slasher film. Everything is over the top from the gore to the humor to the boobies. Its a lot of fun and has a Robert Englund sighting.

Trick or Treat

Boy is this an 80’s throwback. Heavy metal. Backward masking. LPs. Cool kids bullying outcast rockers. Ozzy and Gene Simmons. This is a fun little trip back in time for people who lived this. For younger folk this wont make much sense and will probably be a bore.

I was going to post this. I watched it last year and was very impressed, for exactly the reasons you cite. That last shot was killer — simple, but it worked.

And another vote for The Babadook.

The Devil…by M Night Shamalayan (apologies for the spelling)

Wayyyy better than I thought…a nice little film about Satan and an elevator. Highly recommended.

The Ward

John Carpenter returns to the directors chair after 10 years with a lame derivative effort. Its One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest/Girl Interrupted with ghosts. Its well acted and well directed but I just hate these forced institutionalized films because it actually does scare the hell out of me.

Married With Children

She’s Having My Baby

After raising two kids Al Bundy finds that Peg is again pregnant. Scarier than a visit from Jason. Funnier than hell. For when you need a break from the horror.

Dead Alive (aka Braindead) directed by LOTR/Hobbit dude Peter Jackson. Really funny really bloody horror classic from Down Under that is well worth a watch.

FTR…this is in the John Waters Pink Flamingos mode. You will either love it or hate it…some hate from the IMDB

The Gift

The awesome Cate Blanchette starts in this awesome film about a woman with ESP and murder. Great cast…great direction…and was co-written by Billy Bob Thorton. Highly recommended.

Yes, I enjoyed this film, very interesting.

I just finished Lake Mungo, what the hell was that? It wasn’t scary, it wasn’t horror, and quite frankly not very interesting. It was like watching 48 Hours. I kept waiting and waiting for something, and well nothing. I’m giving this a huge thumbs down.

Years ago I remember a movie called May, that I heard about here, that was a good movie.

I’m not going to link, but the movies I’ve seen, and were either fun or kinda scary or both are:
Dead Snow and Dead Snow: Red vs Dead, zombie movies that are just fun to watch, mostly tongue in cheek.
The Awakening.
Grabbers, if you like to see the Irish drink and aliens attacking. Worth it for the laughs.
Housebound, not too scary, but quite interesting.
Zombeavers, if you like really, really, stupid but funny horror, plus some nice boobs for the guys.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil, now this is a funny movie, plenty of gore, similar to Shaun of the Dead.

I like The Frighteners–it’s kind of a horror/comedy/mystery with over-the-top special effects.

Thank you for the recommendations. :slight_smile:

Here’s a vote for Motel Hell, a fun cheesy horror film from the late 70’s/early 80’s.


Maybe the best film on the list. Its an excellent thriller/time twister. Very well made and acted.