If you lived in the Marvel Universe, would you be pro-mutant?

Much of the prejudice against mutant-kind stems from the fear and realization that in just a few generations, all human-kind will be mutants. Some people just aren’t that keen to change, you know?

I wonder why we haven’t seen any Constitutional challenges to anti-mutant legislation. The courts should be all over that.

The only time I’ve seen it was in the Days of Futures Past storyline, in which they mentioned that the Mutant Registration Act was declared unconstitutional. Which was in an alternate timeline, anyway.

Well, if I was in the Marvel Universe, I would probably be attacked by various mutants when I rise from the depths to devour humanity. So I guess crushing the puny beings with my tentalces/shattering their minds would make me anti-mutant.

Agreed…the mutant bigotry does seem a bit “over the top” a lot of the time.

Of course, the portrayal of bigotry might be “skewed,” just because the comics would, by necessity, focus on the places in the world/country where mutant bigotry is running rampant…do we ever get to see how mutants are viewed by the residents of, say, Berkley, California?

As for myself, I probably wouldn’t hate mutants, but I probably would feel a little “uneasy” about them, knowing of the havoc a mutant could cause if they “went rogue.” But I wouldn’t mind a mutant marrying my daughter.

I’d probably support mutant registration, at least on principle…but since the governments in the Marvel universe would tend to abuse such a system—like by openly sending giant robots to murder innocent mutant civilians—I’d have to vote “no” on registration.

It’d be great, though, if Xavier’s institute was somehow able to act as a government agency…training mutants how to safely control their powers, if not necessarily training them to become a paramilitary force.

Hell, I wouldn’t even feel “threatened” by mutants usurping humans in the workplace, or anything…I’d see mutant abilities as being an incredible resource for all of “humanity,” mutant and non-mutant alike. I mean, think of U.N. humanitarian forces, or the “Peace Corps.”…and of how much good such organizations could accomplish with the help of mutants. A few dozen superhumanly strong mutants could build aqueducts to service all of sub-saharan Africa; a mutant who controlled insects could wipe out mosquito-bourne malaria infections in the jungles of the third world; mutant telekinetics could move payloads into Earth’s orbit with a mental effort, eliminating the need for expensive and polluting rocket boosters…the list goes on and on.

But, then again, I’d probably be the guy who’d support Boromir’s plan to try and use the One Ring against Sauron. So take my opinions with a grain of salt. :wink:

I would be pro-arachnid. Does that count?

Heh, read Ultimate X-Men lately? :slight_smile:

You’ve got a rosier view of this than I do, ResIpsaLoquitor. Most people do feel that way, but they didn’t in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. In a world where supervillain attacks were more constant, I’m not sure how much tolerance you’d see.

That said, it’s a situation tailor-made for people who are civil liberties saps like me, and I’d probably treat people who anti-mutant the same way I’d treat people who are racist, sexist, etc. I know the X-Men movies better than the comics, and the movie goes out of its way to make this the case.

I’d be pro-mutant…to a point. You have the right to live a normal life, raise a family, whatever. You can even use your powers, with certain restrictions. I’d want schools to help people learn to use their powers, and registration would make sense. As long as the guy next door has training in how to control his telepathy and wasn’t an idiot, I’d be cool about it. I’d try to place mutants into careers where they could help others with minimal loss of employment for nonpowered people. Example: Have Colossus join a SWAT team or Bomb squad.

However, the minute you use your powers to cause harm to someone else or their property, I’d send in the big robots. Supervillian who has caused massive death and suffering? Bullet in the head. Mutants are too powerful to screw around with, and with someone like Magneto, you don’t get a second chance. I’d also want power-inhibitors built, for those who are uncontrollable (like Unus) or suffering from conditions that would put their life or other’s lives at risk from their powers, like if Cyclops had epilepsy. Unconstitutional? Maybe, but it would be safer.

No, I’ve been caught up in Ultimate Night Nurse lately…what did I miss in X-Men?

While it’s true that many mutants have destructive or dangerous powers, how many of them are significantly more destructive or dangerous than an M16? If it’s acceptable for a person to own guns, then why isn’t it acceptable for a person to posess inherent powers equivalent to a gun?

There’s also the matter that there are supervillians out there whether I like it or not, and if someone’s trying to protect me from them, I want those folks to get all the help and support they can.

Walt Simonson did a great story in Fantastic Four a few years ago where the FF had to testify before Congress about superhero registration…

Chronos has a good point, though…not all mutants are destructive per se. I mean, look at Artie…the guy has THOUGHT BALLOONS for a power. Why register him?

Sure it’s acceptable…but you gotta register your guns too.

I, for one, would advocate for the elimination of the mutant menace at all levels of society. Earth for Humanity! Protect the human genome! Bring back the Sentinels! Burn the mutants! BURN THE MUTANTS!

If mutant powers are outlawed, only outlaws will have mutant powers!

Sorry, can’t resist…

You wouldn’t catch me discriminating against mutants. I try to stay on the right side of people who can throw trucks at me or vaporize me with a careless glance.

Seriously - bigotry and oppression is only directed at people who can’t effectively fight back. Identifiable, and marginalized, ethnic minorities, for example … Super-powered mutants may be a minority, and may be easily identifiable, but it’s damned hard to marginalize them if they don’t want to be. Are you, Mr. Average Genetically Normal Person, going to be the one who tells Colossus to sit at the back of the bus? Are you going to tell Wolverine, “Hey, this is a normals-only restaurant”? You only push around those minorities whom you can push around.

I wouldn’t descriminate against mutants. I would look for ones that had been run out of town or are treated badly to make friends with them.

Then I would take them back to my secret fortress and treat them very well, where I could slowly manipulate and brainwash them into being my loyal henchmen as I took over the world.

I think they’ve indicated this won’t happen, or at least its not neccessarily going to happen (from the many future timelines). Although people may still fear its going to happen.

Quite a lot of them, apparently. Oh, most of them aren’t like Magneto or Professor X, but the ability to knock down buildings is quite common. Actually, though, the most dangerous powers are the indirect ones, like Mystique’s or Xavier’s.

There’s also the matter that there are supervillians out there whether I like it or not, and if someone’s trying to protect me from them, I want those folks to get all the help and support they can[/q


I’m not afraid of mutant supervillains. I’m afraid of the guy next door who can compel to do anything he wants, or his daughter who kills people by breathing on them. I’d be insane not to be afraid, friends or no.

Are mutants flammible?

And, if they were, wouldn’t they have a little tag on them from the Consumer Products Safety Council?

Is it dangerous to use your Mutant near an open flame? While gassing-up your car? While speaking on a cell phone? Enquiring minds want to know!™