I only make Cioppino for a pre-approved list of people who have affirmatively swooned over it in the past. Much too spendy for those lacking a taste for it, and I have no idea what’s wrong with them.
That makes me sad because I would be happy to help you eat it. Love it and bouillabaisse or pretty much any seafood stew. I have a great recipe for a Provencal fish stew and make it on occasion, but as others have mentioned, only for a select group of people.
It’s too expensive for everyday and it doesn’t make good leftovers. Which is the saddest part because what doesn’t get finished becomes very expensive garbage.
[Quote=Kolak of Twilo]
…very expensive garbage.
Or very expensive cat food. If you know any cats that need feeding.
Sorry about all the philistine food-wasters you had to contend with, Gatopescado. I recently had to reluctantly discard a large batch of tasty (albeit not nearly so spendy) leftovers, and it’s very frustrating.
My reaction to the OP depends greatly on the surrounding circumstances, e.g. whether the diners knew beforehand what they were going to be served, whether and how they outright refused the cioppino, whether it was a special occasion, etc.
Then again, I don’t like seafood in general, so that may affect my sympathies.
I’m curious as to the context of the part “My people. Assholes.” Did you make this for family? Friends? Did you host a dinner party and none of them partook? Did they make rude comments like “Fish stew? Eeewwww. Why don’t you just serve sewage?”
Some people don’t like seafood, especially shellfish. News at 11.
Myself, I love almost any kind of seafood prepared any kind of way. Can’t build up hate for folks who don’t though. Polite guests would at least take a stab at it, though. Did they just turn up their noses and not even try it? Chalk it up to an important life lesson learned. Serve pizza next time. Or, go for the first part of your username instead of the last.
A-fucking-men. I made some last week, it was incredible, but I’m the only one who will eat it. But not even I can eat it for two meals a day for more than three days in a row, so in the end some got wasted. Sigh. Sadly, I knew this would happen but I did it anyway, because I love cioppino.
What sort of dunces do you consort with? It’s a great dish.
Reminds me of when I made lumpia for a bunch of my ex-wife’s Minnesota relatives. If you’ve ever made them, you know that they’re a pain in the ass, and I made a triple batch (about 150). It took several hours to get them made, deep fried and on the table. They all sat there staring at them suspiciously and helping themselves to every other thing on the table, even after I explained what they were and what was in them.