If you need to make fun of my spelling just do it in the tread.

(this is so lame)

In this thread in cafe society I made some spelling errors. I admit it. I also feel absoultly no shame for having some spelling errors. I know some people think I should be filled with shame but trust me, if Sister Theophane couldn’t fill me with shame about spelling then you don’t stand a chance.

However I got this email later.

That is the entire email. No signature. The email that it came from does not match anyone who has participated in the thread. So, even though I have the full name of the person who sent me the email, I really don’t know who it was. I don’t think I should post the RL name of the person so offended by my bad spelling but let me just say this to anyone who gets his or her nose out of joint over my, or anybody else’s spelling mistakes.


Let me get this straight. People are lying in their trunks and shooting random strangers, people are mailing anthrax to Senators and hurting postmen, people are bombing vactioners in nightclubs, women are being sentenced to a gang bang for something someone else did, companies are going bankrupt because their leaders are using investors money to buy $5000 dollar shower curtains, in LA I guess things are getting better as the DA can get a shoplifting convition and maybe they will be able to get murder convictions down the road, or to put it another way, we are going to hell in a not very fashionable handbasket and you are BOTHERED BY MY SPELLING SO MUCH YOU SEND ME AN EMAIL!!!???!!?!?

If you havn’t written your congressman, senator, and the president about the state of education in America, if you havn’t written the UN and decried human rights violations around the globe, if you havn’t prayed to what ever brand of magical sky pixie you choose for a better world, then I think you have some seriously fucked priorites to make the world a better place.

Who the fuck are you? The Spelling Avenger?!
BTW If a person writes their post in MSWord and let it correct their spelling mistakes does that make them a better person than me? Or a smarter one? Or does it just mean that they tremble at the idea that someone might spot a flaw and point and laugh at them.

IE Spell

(My bolding)

[kambuckta points and laughs] :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, well said Zebra.

However, I have to admit that there are times when a poster’s lack of regard and care towards their written expression DOES irk me. I am not talking about people who are ‘challenged’ by spelling and grammar, because mostly it is easy enough to get the gist of what they are saying. There are others though who don’t give a shit, and it is nigh on impossible to make head or tail of what they are promoting. And then when you call them on it, they scream ‘discrimination’.

But it wasn’t me who emailed you, and I concur that it was damned rude.

If you didn’t make so many misspellings, if that anonymous poster didn’t send you an e-mail, and if you hadn’t posted this pit thread, I wouldn’t have had an opportunity to laugh out loud tonight while reading the SDMB. So I’m glad everything happened as it did.

And, yes, I pointed (to myself) and laughed (to myself) at the title of this thread.

Though I should point out that Ophthalmologist is the correct spelling – I’m not sure whether your anonymous e-mail spell-checker misspelled this or you did.

(For the first time I can remember, I actually pasted this into MS Word just to make sure I didn’t misspell anything)

Of course, upon rereading this entire thread, I see that part of the e-mail already corrected you on the ophthalmologist misspelling. So this proves I didn’t write that e-mail.

I’m just here to point and guffaw.

Haw, haw.

That being done, allow me to compliment you on the “Location, location, location!” gag. It mitigates your spelling transgressions somewhat. Almost as funny as that howler about writing to Bush about the shortcomings of public education-- That, my friend, is wit. :smiley:

I gotta say, writing an email to someone just to correct their spelling/grammar is incredibly lame & pedantic. Did you reply to the person’s email with a big “^@&# off”?

People are lying in their trunks and shooting random strangers, people are mailing anthrax to Senators and hurting postmen, people are bombing vactioners in nightclubs, women are being sentenced to a gang bang for something someone else did, companies are going bankrupt because their leaders are using investors money to buy $5000 dollar shower curtains, in LA I guess things are getting better as the DA can get a shoplifting convition and maybe they will be able to get murder convictions down the road, or to put it another way, we are going to hell in a not very fashionable handbasket . . .

and you are all in tizzy about someone’s spelling correction?

Very, uh, discrete (tee hee) of you to refrain from correcting the spelling in that paragraph, Walloon.

I’ve bombed a vactioner before. I mean, hey, he was vactioning in front of children. But I’ve never been to a shoplifting convition.

The existence of this thread proves the terorrists have won.

I’m actually more bothered that the two films Zebra cites in his posts were already listed by other people. Did you even bother to read the whole thread? Well, did ya, Mr./Ms. Bad Spelling Person, you?!?!? :wink:

It’s not a thread; it’s a tread.

Cite? (or I could settle for some pictures)

Way to hijack a thread with every emotional appeal you can think of, Buffoon. By your logic, we should never sweat anything until we achieve world peace. Good idea. The one thing you have successfully shown is that there are things more annoying than chronic spelling errors; sophomoric histrionics, for example.

Waitaminit. . .

Someone e-mailed Zebra his post with corrections? And didn’t sign it. It amazes me sometimes how frikken rude people can be.

What you should do, Zebra, is put the e-mail through The Dialectizer and returned it. Too bad they don’t have a Curseizer.

Unless I’m being whooshed (entirely possible since I just woke up and am uncaffeinated), the quoted paragraph from Walloon is merely a cut-and-paste from the OP, and is used to complain about Zebra’s complaining about receiving a spelling correction.

Ahhh…the spelling/grammar freaks. My favorite. Sending an e-mail with spelling corrections? Get a life, for the love of cheese. People need to get out more.

Hmm. Let’s see.

If I were to send someone an anonymous email for the fuck of it, it would take me about two minutes. Less, if the board hamsters give up the addy quickly.

The only reason I’d do such a thing would be to piss someone off.

So then, if I assume that the anonymous emailer has something of the same motivations I have, the email served its purpose precisely.

And if I were said emailer, I’d be chuckling to myself about fish and barrels right now.

Oh I’m sure the person who sent this it to me is having a blast.

I’m also pretty sure that the person has posted to this thread.

I’m also sure that people who are that uptight about spelling should spend their time not on message boards but sticking lumps of coal up their ass and then pulling out diamonds in a week. It would be much more profitable.

Too many to put here, so take your pick:
