If you open the thread you must respond - Straight Dope Karaoke!

You are informed that your loved ones - parents, kids, pets, Play Station are being held by ruthless murderers. Unless you perform a song at Chez Straight Dope tonight they will be murdered/have their warranty voided. What song you gonna do and why?

For me 24 Hours From Tulsa because I am not a woman and can’t do Anyone Who Had a Heart. A relatively simple vocal laid over one of the best arrangements in pop history. Maybe I can hide behind the quality of the song.

I’d get one of the fine Doper Chix and do a totally cheesy rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart. It’s cheesy, Karaoke is cheesy goodness.

Would you like some extra Velveeta with that?

Thoughtless, by Korn.

Delta Dawn, because it’s easy and I can do a flawless imitation of Helen Reddy’s voice. Or Total Eclipse of the Heart with Shibb.

Dang, I wish someone would kidnap my loved ones now!

Snow in July by Chris Gaines. I’m sure I would be as fabulous on stage as I am in the car.

Wasn’t Delta Dawn done by Tanya Tucker???

I’d just hum.

Just a small town girl
Living in her lonely world.
She took the midnight train, going

Big wheel keep on turnin’.
Carry me home to see my kin.
Singin’ songs about the southland,
I miss Alabama once again
and I think it’s a sin.

There is… a house… in New Orleans
They caaaaaall the Rising Sun
And its been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God… I know… I’m one

“Why God Why?” from Miss Saigon.

Although I usually murder songs and leave the bodies mutilated beyond recognition, this is a tune that I can handle pretty well, at least with the acoustics of a shower stall to help me.

Of course, I could always cheat and do a fine version of Lorne Greene’s “Ringo”. :slight_smile:

I will start singing “Starlight Express” the German cast CD.

Within the hour, they will be paying me to stop.

My standard “I’ve never been here before” karaoke tune is “Son of a Preacher Man.” Though I could make it through “Total Eclipse” if I was drunk enough. :smiley:

The old stand-by…

Rio by Duran Duran


take your pick
Linda Rondstadt’s cover of Hurts So Bad
almost anything by Stephen Sondheim
Jane Oliver’s Come In From The Rain
and just for ShibbOleth: **Total Eclipse Of The Heart ** (but I’d need a lyrics sheet for that one)

they both did it - but Helen Reddy’s came first
She also did the spooky Angie, Baby

It’s actually odd, I’ve been to many a karaoke night, and my friends and I actualyl had karaoke parties at our place (with either the Karaoke Revolution game or a plug in for winamp that puts Karoke lyrics on a tv,) but I’ve never really had a song that is mine. One I always sing at any given chance.

Though according to some sources, I do a kickass version of Under the Sea, from The Little Mermaid. But I think I’ll actually go with “Under Pressure,” or “Summer of '69.” Gotta stick with the karaoke classics.

I’m singing the one and only song that I can sing completely on pitch. No idea why it’s this song, but it is.

Pure Prairie League: AMY

Amy what you wanna do?
I think I could stay with you
For a while, maybe longer
Longer if I doooooooooo…

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine … OH YEAAAAAAAAH!!!
You can dance … you can jiiiiive … having the time of your life!
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen.

pant pant pant

I shall belt out the extended version of Fancy by Reba McEntire.

It felt like someone else was asking
Mama what do I do?
Just be nice to the gentlemen, Fancy
They’ll be nice to you

“Don’t Take the Girl,” simply because I love to over-countryify the accents in country music.