I'll say it: I am NOT hoping for a full recovery from any (Politician or media person) anti vax or masker that gets covid

Yep FOX is making BANK of it.

Y’all realize “wishing” death on someone doesn’t work, right?

Seriously. I’m sitting here waiting for a pizza. Just for yucks, I wished death on a woman sitting across the room from me really hard.

Nothing. Not. A. Thing.

Actually, reading the website, it wasn’t appropriate. The website says you aren’t supposed to get it unless you have symptoms, which he didn’t have.


However, Gov. Abbott is in a ultra-high risk group, being a paraplegic. We’ll see what happens.

You either have to have symptoms or have a high risk condition which includes being overweight (BMI >25) according to the CDC. In addition, if you are a current or former smoker or have diabetes, hypertension or any of a range of other diseases you can qualify. I don’t know his health status but he may very likely have one of the qualifying conditions.

Or health insurance, if you have it and they bill for it.

Someone on another website said that her daughter got her COVID shot(s) in a place that did, and they billed her health insurance for an administration fee of $38, which it paid.

It does sometimes. :blush:
Cross me at your peril! I will wish stuff on you SO HARD.

Place me in the column for one who will shed zero tears for sickness and/or death among the Pro-Covid crowd. This is a front row seat to large scale Darwinism and after a year and a half of having to deal with their stupidity and indecency, I don’t mind asking ‘please pass the popcorn, will you?’. All the better to thin that herd, IMOFO.

In an ideal world, those sickened who end up recovering will actually learn from their ordeal, and become reformed people who spread the gospel of vaccinations and masking.

But practically speaking that’s not going to happen, so the next best thing is for COVID to deliver some “remember me” shots to those headcases, to quote a former NFL coach.

This. (So I keep wondering why it’s against the rules around here.)

How about a different formulation?

Take this guy.

Sample excerpts:

I will not “wish death” upon this guy, because it’s pointless.

But if this guy dies terrified and gasping… it will be a good thing.

Can you wish a big caramel iced coffee on me? I didn’t have time to stop at Dunkin this morning.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

Nothing to do with this topic, but I absolutely love Girlfriend. Absolutely brilliant guitar led pop album!

But if I do that, everyone’s going to want one.

Mostly, we don’t want posters threatening violence against each other, and we drew the line broad to prevent things like, “I didn’t say I was going to push him in front of a train, I just said I hoped someone would.”

Then how about a big hazlenut iced coffee?

You really came off your initial negotiating position awfully quickly, and without any kind of proper counter-offer.


Ah, well…I’ll see what I can do.

There is no time for diplomacy when you need a caffiene fix :smiley: