I'll trade stories about our cold and wet for your hot and dry

San Diego is said to have ‘the best climate in the country’. When I was a kid, I remember days when it was hot and muggy. But since the weather isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when I think of San Diego, I guess it was okay.

In high school I moved to Lancaster in the Mojave Desert. (Note: It’s pronouced LAN-caster there, and not LANK-aster.) Hot and dry. Sometimes very hot. It wasn’t so bad, really. We had a swamp cooler in the house. It didn’t work very well for a couple of weeks in (humid) August, but generally it worked very well.

Down to L.A. The weather in L.A. really started to bug me the last few years there. Too hot in the summer, not enough rain, sunshine every freakin’ day! (except for the ‘June Gloom’ in the mornings). Boring. I had no air conditioning, so I left the windows open almost year-round. I lived over the carports, and the trash trucks would pump their diesel exhaust right up to my level. Lovely schmutz to clean up. There were many days when it was so hot that I had to dampen a T-shirt and lie in front of a fan. Not an option at bedtime, since you don’t wear wet stuff in bed!

Up to the PNW. Generally it’s rather nice up here. Yes, it rains a lot. It hampers outdoor plans frequently, but at least it isn’t boring! It’s a bit cold in the Winter, but that’s only because I don’t have piped-in gas and propane is expensive. Broken clouds today, with temps in the mid-70°s. :slight_smile:

featherlou, I kid you not, I saw a park bench floating down the Bow yesterday (and shortly thereafter a bunch of kayakers with a death wish). some big portion of ground near a trail must have given way.
I had the same thought that you did about the run off, I looked at the mountains today and saw they still have their snowcaps on them – so we are definitely not done yet. At least it’s sunny today. I think the pavement is going to start sprouting soon.

Imperial Valley, California, right on the border with Mexico, but inland in the desert. And as much as I hate the climate, I’m still here! Doesn’t anybody in Northern Ca. need an art teacher? Anyway, there is absolutely no reason on this earth for anybody to come here. My advice is that when you reach San Diego, stop.

You know what Mark Twain said. "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.’

At one time I was stationed at Merced, CA. We got the weekend of the 4th of July off and my wife and I took the train to San Francisco. I was wearing a worsted summer dress uniform and my wife had on a light-weight silk dress because it was hot in Merced.

Going across on the ferry from Oakland to San Francisco I thought we would freeze to death. In fact I began to get sleepy.

Whew. Fortunately, I can’t imagine I will ever have a reason to go to Imperial Valley, CA.

Although it’s nice and sunny today, my favorite weather is cool and foggy. I’m from San Francisco, and it makes me feel right at home. Nice and gray.

Probably - I’ve started seeing mushrooms here and there. (Note to those not from here - Calgary is not a mushroom town. We’re practically desert usually.) I’ve also been seeing black strippy things on some of the roads - I suspect that those are patches that have washed out. Deerfoot is lousy with them. I have never seen that before.

Jesus H. Christ!

It was hot last night.
I knew the night was gonna be a sweater so I appropriate the living room fan.
Three fans going full blast with no AC - I decided to go Full Monty - No clothes at all, even bedclothes. In addition, I switched fore to aft frequently, so as not to sleep in my own dippings.

I was just downtown – Talisman Park is under about four feet of water and one of the bridges to Princes Island Park has washed away. This is officially nuts.

Oddly, although Northern Nevada at this time of year is typically hot and dry, it’s been cool and dampish.

And NOAA keeps threatening us with snow.

In June.

A week or so ago, I spent two nights in Yellowstone National Park, where it proceeded to rain the entire time – except for the part where it snowed.

May I clarify that I was camping? In a mostly-mesh 3-season tent? It was quite chilly and wet.

A couple years ago when I moved across the country, my bf-at-the-time and I camped for a night in Yellowstone. There was snow on the ground. It was FUCKING FREEZING. This would have been at the tail end of June. FREEZING COLD. I don’t think we got any sleep, we were both shivering so much.

Almost enough to make me reconsider my lifelong dream of living up in the mountains.

Sunny and perfect here in the north of Michigan this fathers day. Temperature is a flat 80.0f

I’d have a better story, but I had to work. :frowning:

On a trip from California to Iowa we got snowed on in Jackson Hole, WY on the 4th of July.

Yes, but David - Wyoming only has about three weeks of summer, and they usually occur some time in August. :wink:

So it is hot and dry here. Temperature hovers around 100 during the day, drops to 80 at night. We have a nice breeze that comes through and takes the edge off. No rain to report for the past week and it doesn’t look like we will get any this coming week. Like to come visit?
Oh, I forgot to mention the tornadoes.

Wow - I walked through Prince’s Island Park this morning, and it’s still underwater. I can’t believe how high and fast the river still is.

Anyway, it’s turned nice here now. We had a beautiful sunny, warm day yesterday.

Living in #7 on Tapioca’s list, Houston, we figured we’ll go somewhere to cool off in July, all the way down to Orlando at #9. Joy.

I think our May was one of the driest on record and June’s brought no relief. Every night I have to hand water all the container and hanging baskets, plus spots where the sprinkler system can’t keep up.

I guess it’s best described as manageably brutal.

Sorry, lieu - Alberta got all your water, apparently. If it makes you feel any better, we would have been more than willing to share.