I'm 61 today...

LOL! I’ve often been surprised when I saw the faces behind the voices I heard on the radio. Who woulda thunk that Matt Dillon actually looked like “Cannon.” Thanks for the greet.

Guten Geburtstag, DesertGeezer!

(Sorry I’m late. I’ve been a little preoccupied.)

Doesn’t matter to me. A hug and/or a handshake means the same! I am happy to know you. DG!

Ja, Ich verstehe! Sie können mich zu jeder Zeit “dutzen”.

(That means you don’t have to use the unfamiliar “sie” with me, but you can use “du” anytime you wish)

Ach Du lieber_____!


Quasi der Modem


…and I don’t speak ANY of those languages. :smiley:

Wie sagt mann “DesertGeezer” auf Deutsch?

Loosely (very) Translated: “Der Alte aus der Wüste”. However, the German language doesn’t have much of a translation for American slang such as “Geezer”, and such a word would not be used in Germany anyway.

That DG uses it here makes it more of an endearment rather than a slur, but I would feel most uncomfortable calling him that in the “Fatherland”.

Did that make any kind of sense at all?



Sure. In California, or as our governor-elect calls it, ka-lee-for-nee-ya, we tend to be rather less formal than Germans. We don’t have a formal form of address, after all. Everything here would be the “du” form. It isn’t disrespectful to us, but even a modern German might think it was, especially to call someone “geezer.” I might not like the sobriquet either if someone were using it with a disrespectful attitude. But since I called myself geezer, I gave dopers, even German ones, leave to do the same. :slight_smile:

Well, sorry I missed the actual day, but Happy Birthday Desert Geezer!

Oh, yeah: Another member of the crop of '42 checking in. You’re 10 days my senior! I bow to your ancientness.

And Quasi, my friend: Leave F_X alone! She’s MINE I tell you! Ever since those fingers that once flashed 20 posts per day hit the boards, I’ve been captivated…:smiley: