I'm a Nielsen household: suggestions?

That would be great! Watch Angel as well! AND BUFFY!

Birds of Prey on the WB its a Batman related show.

Really screw with them and rest something heavy on the remote so it just changes channels 24hrs a day. If you have to fill out a form saying what you watched just write “It’s hard to find a show I can stand for more then .005 seconds. Can you fix that please?”

Then watch whatever you want on another TV.

I think you should fill out your diary honestly. If you don’t watch TV at all, so be it. If you normally watch certain shows, do so and write the information down.
And you were not selected at random. The Nielsen sample must replicate the characteristics of the market as a whole.
But, I’d add a vote for THE MOLE 2 as well!

I agree with annieclaus…just watch TV normally. If a show is boring that week, change channels. Just do what you’d do if you weren’t a Nielsen house.


Another vote for PBS - if you are going to alter your viewing habits for this week. I think though the right thing would be to watch TV as you normally would.

How do they account for folks who like to flip between channels, or just surf for 15 min? Is there space on the form for “Spent half an hour looking through the dreck for something watchable”?


Watch Family Guy

oh wait … it’s too late. Thanks again Nielsen!

Well, I was going to suggest Farscape and The Mole but since others have beat me to it I’ll be on my way…

Scrubs. Definitely Scrubs. Also, if Andy Richter is still on, give it a nod.

(I am amazed as I have never met a Nielsen viewer!)

I think it would be awesome just to leave it blank. When they ask you why, tell them you are more of a “book person”

I’ll second nothing with Bob Saget!

Simpsons & Stehl (sp?) timbersports series please.

That’s going to be difficult. dqa only has one week as a Nielsen household. “Birds of Prey” doesn’t begin its run until this fall.

I wonder what they do if they send their little booklet to a household without television? Did they let you know beforehand, and then send you the booklet? Or does it just show up one day, like a surprise?

In a similar vein, back when I had a TV, I got to be part of a test audience for some “drug war” drama being tested by NBC. It was sort of neat, because I had to answer a whole long survey over the phone the next day, so I felt more like my opinion really counted. I should find out if they picked up the show, it wasn’t half bad, although it was pretty violent…

Aha! It seems it may be a mid-season replacement.

Still haven’t seen Farscape, because as noted earlier, I have no cable. Unfortunately, there’s also no Univision or Telemundo station in this area.

The Mole is a given, even though it’s obviously Dorothy…

Charmed, Angel, Buffy - probably not. Maybe Angel, to get it straight in my mind from Dark Angel and Touched by an Angel. I think at one point in the season, all three of these shows were on at the same time.

PBS - yeah, I usually find a good show every day or two on there.

They called a couple weeks ahead of time. At that point they asked how many TVs, cable, satellite, demographic info. I suppose if they already had enough people in my category, they could have said, sorry, we don’t need you.

Anything watched for more than 5 minutes is to be recorded. This could be tricky, since the log is segmented in 15 minute increments.

At the end of the log is a comment area

**Also at the end is a section to write programs recorded on a VCR if another show was being watched at the same time. Otherwise, the VCR shows are noted at the time they are broadcast, with “VCR” written next to them.

Um, sorry to burst a bubble, but the July sweep is about the only one that we DON’T pay a whole lot of attention to in my industry. May and November are WAY more important for setting ad rates.

But I’ll put a plug in for “The Simpsons” anyway :cool: