I’m 5’8, and have broad shoulders. I work in a “business casual” environment, which means button-down shirts. Short sleeves are fine for the summer, but now that it’s fall, i can’t seem to find any long-sleeved button-down shirts that don’t make me look like a little boy wearing his dad’s shirt.
Is it because I’m short? What can I do to compensate for this? 
Do you have an odd neck/sleeve combo size? If so, find yourself a good tailor, buy quality shirts (Brooks Brothers, Jos A. Bank, Nordstrom) and have the sleeves shortened. You can have the sleeves shortened at the store, too, I think. Don’t sacrifice on quality; the places I mentioned have great sales.
Also, check out L.L.Bean (www.llbean.com). You can select a sleeve size and their shirts cost a little less.
If you’re shopping at stores that don’t offer shirt sizes by sleeve lenghts (like Banana Republic, Gap, J.Crew) still find a good tailor and have the sleeves shortened. Also, a shirt under a thin, v-neck sweater is still a very nice look. This will allow you to cuff the sleeve once.
Cool, thanks. The above is actually my old standby - it looks great, but gets a little hot during the fall when it’s not that cold yet. 
5’8 is SHORT? Since when? Thats not short. Maybe you just have short arms…
Have you considered a thin, crewneck sweater by itself for the transition months? Then when it gets colder you can start wearing shirts underneath.
I can’t wear long-sleeved shirts without looking dorky either.
Broad shoulders + small hands = not a good mix.
Roll the sleeves up two turns, baring your forearms. It makes you look industrious too.
Yeah, I think that’s my killer - broad shoulders and small hands. I look like a monkey-child playing dress-up in long sleeves. I think the suggestion of getting the sleeves shortened is the idea.
Or you can pick up english clerk style armbands-- they go around your biceps.
You’re the same height I am, and that ain’t short. I find the biggest problem is most shirts are cut for a man with a basketball-sized gut, which does more to contribute to that ‘little boy’ feeling than anything else.
I’ve always been a sleeve-roller-upper myself. I can’t stand to wear sleeves rolled down and buttoned, even if sleeves are the right length. And I’m not a big fan of short sleeved dress shirts either – for some reason they just scream “Nerd!” (I can handle being called a geek, but not a nerd.