I’ve been gone for about three months. Somehow, I managed to leave my French Press is the car, where it promptly molded over. I don’t have the money to replace it.
So today I caught myself walking over to the stale coffee in the freezer, and making cowboy coffee over my stove.
Geez, is there a better way? I must have coffee, but I can’t afford anything, even a few paper filters. Any better ideas?
Well, ummm. Fuck my cowboy coffee. It’s nasty, stale, grimy and thick. Screw my being too poor to afford anything. Damn my French press for molding over. Blegh.
[Sling Blade voice]There. That’s better. Cowboy coffee is good American patriotic manly stuff. Don’t need none o’ that furrin highbrow snooty French press stuff, that ain’t American. Prolly made by leftist libruls in Blue Land. Jist get an old sock and pour that good cowboy coffee in it. That’ll git 'er done. Uh huh. [/Sling blade voice]
Why would you get rid of something just 'cause it molded over? :dubious:
Hell, my coffee making machine molds over if I go to long in between cleanings–I just clean it off and start using it again.
A french press should be even easier to clean, since there aren’t any electronic bits. If you’re that paranoid about whatever was groing in it, just soak the thing in hot bleach water for a while.
I’ve cleaned out my moldy french press before, but this time it’s had three hot months in a locked car to get nasty.
We’re not talking a little bit of green stuff. We’re talking about a cup’o’mold. Green and black with white mushrooming things frothing over. Apparently a full cup of coffee is the right thing to turn into a bubbleing mass of moldy gross. We’re talking entire ecosystems.
I havn’t even had the guts to take it out of the car’s cupholder yet. I just get in, drive around, and try not to think about it too much. The thought of scooping out a huge long cupful of mold just to have the joy of cleaning out the grates and springs and stuff makes me gag just thinking about it.
Anyway, the cowboy coffee did the trick- now I’m up and about and even cleaning the house. It wasn’t even all that grainy. I will definately have to repeat this tommorow morning. God knows what I’ll do when my stash runs out…but I’ll think of something.
Oh, that’s no biggy. Just dump it out–it looks nasty, but it’s probably just a cap growing on the liquid underneath, and will pour right out. Just pull off into a vacant lot and give it a throw. I’ve rescued containers that have suffered far worse abuse then that.
Ask me about the stock-pot full of 6-month old bean soup I just finished sanitizing!
Heck - I’ve had Tupperware yell at me when I’ve tried to remove the lid…
I too, suggest extra hot water and some bleach. Personally I would flush the guck down the toilet, as opposed to flinging out the car window, but I suppose, depending on who’s driving by…
I used to eat the See’s Candies version of this when I worked a very early morning job. (I don’t know if See’s sells them anymore.) Boy, they really did the trick—really woke me up fast!
A Melitta will work for ya. And they’re not too much, up here about 6.99 IIRC. Likely less in the states. They’re usually in the coffee sections of the grocery stores. A plastic cone with a handle paired with a coffee cup. They come with cone shaped filters.
You use a teapot to heat your water, grind your beans, measure them into the filter, and then pour the water over, where it slow drips into the coffee cup.
I have a coffee maker, but I use the melitta when I only want one cup and don’t want to wait for a pot, or even half a pot.
Here’s what it looks like. But I’m pretty sure you can find cheaper ones in the grocery store.
you dont even need a melitta, pop a filter into a small seive, spoon the grounds into it and pour the water through=). Hell, if you are really desperate, you can actually wrap the grounds into a bundle using a fiilter, drop it into a pot of water and let sit, poke it around a couple times sort of like a coffeebean bouquet garni=)
A pinch of espresso grind between your cheek and gum is the way to go! Rich coffee flavor, all the caffiene, and none of that mucking around with calories, digestion, and the gastro-intestinal tract!
I wonder if they’ve developed the caffiene patch yet.