I'm able to graduate (phew)

I wanted to thank everyone who replied to my query in this thread regarding my having to petition my school to relax it’s time limit on graduation. The dean answered yesterday that she will grant my petition, so I am able to graduate and the last 4 years of my life aren’t flushed down the toilet (thank goodness).

To those who gave me answers in GQ, I used many of your suggestions in my petition – I went through the possible reasons for having a time limit on graduation point by point, explaining how enforcement of them in my case didn’t further the college’s goals in having such a requirement. (Of course, I also explained how my circumstances prevented me from graduating on time, which ultimately may be all that mattered, for all I know).

And I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear in my GQ OP, but the school in question is a private law school, not a public university. I realize I did refer to “universities and colleges”, but I wanted to get general answers rather than getting caught up in the specifics of my situation.

Anyhow, thanks again for the replies. If I’m ever suing any of you sometime in the future, just say “Hey, remember how I helped you with your petition” and I’ll go easy on you. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it! Go forth and sue the pants off of whoever needs it done!


Your university has a genuine 4 year limit? Weird. When I was in college, it was not all that uncommon for someone to take a 5th year depending on their course of study. Some majors were pretty standard in requiring at least one extra semester in order to complete everything without half-killing yourself!