I'm Afraid For My Daughter

??? BPD isn’t a personality disorder.

BPD and Schizophrenia are associated with larger mood swings with menstrual cycle. More importantly, menstrual cycle is associated with large swings in pharmacokinetics, including for lithium in some people.

Borderline Personality Disorder isn’t a personality disorder? Is that what you’re saying?

Very sorry about the loss of Daisy. She was obviously well loved.
I lost my first dog when I was 14 (she was 16). My condolences
to you and your family…especially Kim.

Just a father of a child with anxiety issues. Again, so sorry that this is happening to your daughter.

The following may not be applicable to your child, but I post it in hopes that it helps someone.

When my daughter did a teen group therapy 8 week course for anxiety, and I did the parent counseling paired session, the cure was always about inoculating against the anxieties. There were a couple of perfectionists kids in the group. Their therapy was to “fail”. By “failing” in a mindful planned way, one learns to not take it so seriously and to overcome the failure. For those with anxiety, the brain is wired to overestimate the potential negative impact and grossly underestimate the ability to cope. It was a fantastic program that really helped my daughter. The program’s goal was to help kids NOT go thru life with these issues.

Group therapy is helpful for some kids because a) shows other kids with the same challenges, b) not 1:1, c) in it together.

As I understand it, sports is a really good tool for kids and especially girls with anxiety. And as I understand, an alarmingly high percentage of confident young girls develop anxiety as puberty/middle school hit. That was the case with middle girl. And as I understand it, sports involvement through this period is very helpful. In sports, you’re never the best, you lose at least some of the time, and this “exposure” or “innoculation” keeps people on an even keel.

Message from Venus Williams,: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/opinion/venus-williams-self-confidence.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage

Those of us who’ve spent our life sucking at sports might benefit more from someone taking the time to find one in which we might win occasionally. I got really mad when I realized that my body type is completely wrong for the kind of exercises we did in school but very common among weight lifters.

Maybe you are thinking “BPD” "= “Bipolar Disorder”?

If so I think you’re right (though I’m no expert on the topic).

But the topic of the thread is “Borderline Personality Disorder”.


Update: “Pam” just called to tell me she got a full-ride merit scholarship to the Kansas City Art Institute (8 semesters, $76k).

Walt Disney was a KCAI alumnus. I told Pam she needs to create an iconic anthropomorphic character like Micky Mouse. I suggested J*** Jellyfish, but I don’t think she was overly enthusiastic about that idea.

Tibby, I’m reading this thread for the first time. Words fail me. My heart is breaking for you and your daughters. And the other posters who have mental health and other issues with their children. I don’t have kids, and I don’t see how y’all do it. My hat is off to every one of you.

Tibby, Congrats to Pam and I hope she does well at her new school.

So sorry about your doggie, too. :frowning:

Nava, this is a wonderful post! I hope Tibby shared it with Pam. Gave me goosebumps. :slight_smile:

That’s fantastic news! I bet your heart is bursting with pride. That’s an amazing accomplishment and I hope she feels validated about her talent. Hopefully this will smooth out her journey a bit. I’m sure there will still be lots of bumps along the way, but hopefully she won’t be as close to the cliff’s edge as she was.

That’s great news.

Art could be her ticket to the world! I saw tremendous raw talent in her work, schooling can only refine that to a sharp blade.

I really, REALLY liked the paint box painting. The paint box was well-used, and it told me somebody had so much fun, and used the Hell out of those paints to create something!