I'm afraid of a dog I've not even met

The dog in question is a Chow/Rottweiler mix according to the Shelter. But the head doesn’t look like either of those breeds; the muzzle too pointed.

The dog is male, as is my little 20 pounder which was bitten by the visiting daughter’s Rottweiler. I didn’t see who started the fight but suffice to say the Rotty hadn’t a mark on him. My dog was close to me, on a 4’ leash.

I like these people but they like to let their dogs run free (as does most everyone else on the road). My dog is never ever off-leash (he’s deaf) except when in the house. I already carry a stick and a can of dog-off spray whenever we’re out.

Fencing my yard isn’t an option.

This probably makes me sound like a dotty old woman, but there is no greater feeling of helplessness (for me) than seeing your beloved dog hanging from another dog’s mouth. Twice is enough.

So, reason to be concerned or is it time for me to take a chill pill?

There’s no leash law?

Oh, there’s a leash law. I tried that on the owner of a dog I watched grow from cute puppy to stalking hackles raised adult. “Well, if you’re that afraid, walk somewhere else.” This person was an MD. Oh, collars are mostly optional. So if you need to grab a dog, good luck.

Take video and get the authorities involved. The guy sounds like a bully. You don’t need that.

Any chance of a pic? And why are you afraid? Has there been any aggressive behavior?

Not going to tell you not to be afraid. Would like more details, if you can share them.

Just report them to Animal Control. Take cell phone video if possible.

I agree on reporting each incident, and taking video. Keep a list of incidents because sometimes a case has to be built.

The neighbors all need to leash their dogs. Ugh. I hate areas that think it’s ok to let animals run loose.

Whatever4, you might want to walk with a pal. One of you to video as needed, another to take care of anything dog-related.

I have had two dogs attacked by loose dogs. My Scottie required 32 staples just to close the wound across her face. Her neck was stitched completely around except for the area under her chin. My current dog had 3 puncture wounds, one of which abscessed, and a swelling bruise the size of my hand on his shoulder. Knowing that this new dog will likely be allowed to run loose, and is part Chow, and that it’s puppy history is unknown, and knowing the people, that’s why I’m afraid. It arrives tomorrow, and I’m hoping it’ll be a mellow pooch. But I’m getting pepper spray just the same.

Would that we had Animal Control.

You must. Who takes care of rabid animals? Talk to the county.

Ok. Didn’t have the full history. Thank you for elaborating. Yes, carry the pepper spray. When you can, share a pic. Wondering if it is a husky mix or something else, based on your description. Sometimes shelters don’t have the history, so anything with a curly tail = chow, black = rottie, etc. I’ll hope for mellow for you.

I’m the odd person who actually walks her dog while everyone is inside watching sports.

But I did just read a technique for introducing dogs other than just turning them loose in the living room. One person walks a dog out in front; the second is walked behind. Once the dogs are ok with that, keep closing the distance until the second dog is walking in front. They get used to each other indirectly. Worth a try.

These people are friends. They know my views on loose dogs. I’m trying to keep both my dog and the friendship intact.

From the online picture, the coat is Chow and the tongue is blue. But it has a long pointed muzzle, which is neither Chow nor Rottweiler. Its ears are lost in the fur but seem to be shortish, pointed and flopped over.

These people had another Chow mix. Always seemed friendly. But curled its lip and growled at me when I was dogsitting.

We have a law enforcement officer (1) who has animal control duties as assigned. I’ve called about strays, about a dog left in summer without water, about dogs running down the highway, about dogs in my yard. Unless your leg’s being gnawed on, they don’t much care. This is a large rural area. By the time the police get to your house, you’ll be dead.

You are toast.

One more, ‘go to them and nicely tell them you fears’ trip is in order. If ‘no joy’ then you’re up that creek, you will not keep both.

( Do give the new dog every chance but not to the point of you or your leashed dog hurt. )

Then go explain that since they won’t control their animal, you will have to take steps. ( Shut mouth and leave at this point, not one more word. )

Get friend & video and go in person to sheriff or police or…

If no joy, get one more video, Then … < VEG >

Why is fencing not an option?

Do you have problems with other people who let their dogs run free in your area? Is there some reason that that other dogs who run free are not an issue with you and your dogs?

Someone needs a faster quick-draw. The OP needs to get an extra can of the spray & practice in the back yard. They need to practice pulling and aiming until its second nature, until they know exactly where that first splash will land.
They need to know because they need to make sure that the very first splash (as well as all of the spray that they spray) goes into the dogs eyes & they need to Keep spraying until the attacking dog’s head is rolling in the grass.

And then they need to get the Hell out of there.
I once had a summer job at a post office. 'Nuff said.

What do they say when you hand them the vet bills?

You should talk to a lawyer about a civil suit to recover the money and also whatever criminal charges apply for keeping vicious dogs.

The people who let their dogs assault you are not your friends.

Both owners offered to pay vet bills. For the Scottie, I accepted the payment. And the owners voluntarily had their dog euthanized. Wasn’t his first attack.

Second attack, owners offered to pay vet bills. I didn’t follow up on it; family member’s dog, nobody saw what happened, keep the peace, etc.

Excellent advice and I will take it. I tend to freeze in the face of aggression, canine or otherwise, which doesn’t help me or my dog.