I’m a third year law student at the University of Wyoming. In this state, if you are a third year student, you can practice law if you do it in association with a practicing attorney. I’m currently in a program that works in association with the Public Defenders office, and on Monday, I will argue before the State Supreme Court.
I argued before the Court last October. In Wyoming, the Supreme Court likes to go on a “traveling docket” once a year. They go to various schools around the state so that the students can see how the Supreme Court works. My argument was in a Junior High in a small Wyoming Town. My client would break into women’s houses and steal their underwear. He would later break into their houses again and replace the underwear. He got caught because he put the wrong underwear in the wrong house.
The argument was a nightmare. One of the Justices, knowing full well the modus operandi of my client, had to ask what my client would steal in front of an auditorium filled with 12 and 13 year olds. After that, it was pure bedlam. Frankly, they really tore into me. The Clerk of Court took me aside after it was over and told me that I was a “brave, brave man.” (The case revolved around whether an officer properly searched my client’s affects and his wallet. When the police searched his wallet, he was handcuffed on the floor. I argued that they should’ve gotten a warrant, since there were no exigent circumstances. We’ve yet to hear the Supreme Court’s opinion.)
And I have the opportunity to argue again this Monday. While I relish the opportunity to try to get my client a fair shake, I’m nonetheless a bit anxious. This time, I’m representing a guy who tried to file a motion for sentence reduction, but was denied when the district court thought that the deadline for filing such a motion had passed. We have a fairly strong case, but I’m still scared shitless after my last experience.
I’m hoping my fellow Dopers can send me some good mojo, pray for me, fill the universe with good vibrations, whatever, to help me with my argument. I argue two days after I graduate (this Saturday), so I have to hold off on my week-long drunk until then.
Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.