I'm being surveyed on my television viewing

That’s right, Bob Loblaw, attorney at law, has received a survey on television viewing habits. Ya don’t speak gibberish to Bob Loblaw. Don’t you dare!

Anyway, I’m going to wait until there is a new episode of Arrested Development.

Please watch more porn. :smiley:

The fate of American entertainment is in your hands. We were a Nielsen family when I was a kid. My sister and I take full responsibilty for The Dukes of Hazzard


Wait…reponsibility for it staying on, or being cancelled? Eh, either way…you BASTARDS!!!

Oh yes, do wait for AD’s return. Then have 100 of your closest friends over to watch.

Tell them that you spend all day watching the Magic Bullet infomercial.

Please don’t watch any “reality” TV.

Woohoo! With a name like that I knew we could count on you to put in a good word for Arrested Development. :slight_smile:

Never have, except for “Drawn Together” on Comedy Central, but I don’t watch that anymore.

Kinda stuff I watch:

Daily Show, and South Park. Colbear Rapport

Any documentary of any kind

Comedies: Arrested Development funniest tv ever. 2.5 men, Law and Order (1) Sam Watterson’s eyebrows, (2) Mariska Hargitay Unit, (3) Ham and D’Onofrio sandwich. Sometimes I watch CSI Miami because it combines the worst TV writing ever with the worst TV actor ever, David Caruso and has her hotness, Emily Proctor.

No we kept it alive, and this was long after the first season. We felt ashamed at the time, too.

ACNielsen wants to hook up the televisions in the elmwood household with their famous black boxes. With a Dish Network DVR, though, it’s impossible - for now. The ACNielsen rep has been visiting every couple of months to see if I still have the DVR; she says they’re working on a box that can be used with it, but it’s still several months away.

Anyone here have an actual Neilsen black box in their house?

Just found this SDMB article. I’d have one of the 5,000 Paople Meters.

It should be fun when the 2006 Northeast Ohio Dopefest rolls around. :smiley: