I'm bored of the internet

ok, so I’ve been sitting in front of this computer for a couple of years now, I’ve read some bulletin boards, I’ve chatted, I’ve surfed, I’ve downloaded and streamed. So what’s next, I’m looking for any interesting or unusual web sites you may have come by. Please don’t advertise your own site, just sites you think or interesting or unusual.



There’s Snopes. Snopes can keep me entertained for hours and lets me look like a smartass to my friends.

If you’re Bored, there’s lots of stuff to do here.

There’s a very unique chatspace at Mobilesdisco (In the mobilesdisco international bit. You do have to have a flash plug-in though), although the people can be a bit pissy.

Rotten.com’s already mentioned - i second that recommendation, as long as you’ve got a strong stomach.


