I'm Drunk and this is my 1500th Post

Uhheheh, :p, :D.

Happy drunken posting! Pass the whiskey, wouldya?

Would ya look at that? Two accomplishments in one night! :smiley:

Gee, Silo, isn’t the point to come TO the party sober and get drunk WITH the dopers?

Silo, I’m beginning to think that maybe you have a drinking problem…

Happy posting.

Oh yeah!


you know it baby! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Putz? I’m a putz?! For expressing my concern ::snicker:: for you ::giggle::, because I really think that you may have a problem. I’m only looking out for you, Silo. I just care ::hehehe:: about you ::HAHAHA!!!:: that much. ::rofl:: :wink:

Um, I left the patio door open… :wink:

Party at Silo’s, who’s driving?

Congrats. I’m not drunk, but enjoy. gah

Yee Haw! :smiley:

Southern Comfort rules! I’m drunk on it right now.

Uhheheh, , .

–your friendly grain storage unit, Silo.

Personally insulted by Cecil Adams: (click on the smilie)

Always glad to honor another Cecil greeteé

Congrats, Silo- but you’re not drunk, NOW, are you? You have a horrible hangover, right? HehHehheh. :smiley: