I'm getting a cat, but that doesn't make me a cat person

Somehow, this past weekend, I’ve gotten it unshakeably in my head that I want a cat.

You don’t understand. I am a dog person. I’m not one of those bi-animal types. I don’t even like cats. But somewhere along the line I decided I’d like my cat. Kind of like kids - I don’t really care for children, but if I had one I’d like it. Just not those other snotnosed brats.

I’ve got a dog that is not gonna like this. He’s 14, although a very spry 14, he’s grumpy, he’s set in his ways, he’s actually a little crazy and can’t be in the room with my boyfriend. He is not going to be on board with this cat thing, probably. I can keep them seperated, if necessary, although obviously it would be best if I didn’t have to. But I guess Hap is just going to have to deal, because something deep in my stupid brain has decided I just can’t live another day without a cat.

I’m getting off at 4 today to hit the animal shelter. I’m going to the city Kill 'Em All shelter, to save one. (Don’t think I’m being down on the shelter - they work hard for those animals and have to deal with the ones the no-kill shelters won’t take, too. I’d just like to go and save one, if I have a choice.) I want an adult shorthair cat, laid back and affectionate. Declawed a plus. (Yeah, I wouldn’t declaw an unaltered cat, but if they’ve got one already… I mean, I own a piano with ivory keys. It’s an antique. The elephant is already dead.) I didn’t even know there was a declawing argument before I read it on the SDMB, but okay, okay, I’m convinced! (Also, indoor cat. I promise.)

So, anyway, I’ve never had a cat before. I picked up Cats for Dummies and read it, I’ve got a litter box and a bed and a bowl and some toys and a collar. I need to pick up some of that Bitter Apple stuff. And a spray bottle. My house is a mess and the cat will wreck it, but I get the feeling that I’m coming home with a cat today. Tea and sympathy, anyone?

Please don’t let me turn into one of those cat people. (It’s a professional hazard for librarians.) On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog, but everybody knows what your cat looks like.

…and we WILL know, right?

Once you post pictures here.

Right? :wink:

Fine, don’t be a cat person in your mind, no one here will consider you a cat person if you prefer it that way yes we will.

A kitty! YAY! Way to go, Z!

And it’s true that everyone on the internet knows what your cat looks like. Newbie that I am, I was severely reprimanded by other Dopers when I typed the word “cat” and did not post pictures. Don’t let this happen to you. I’m just warning you.

If you get a laid-back adult cat, I doubt it will wreck the place.

But, seriously, when you get back from the shelter…we need pictures!

Perhaps you would feel better if you give the new cat a doggy sort of name. Rex or Rover or Fido. Good luck with the cat-fetching. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I could’ve started this thread a year ago. Within 4 months, I had 3 kittens. So, be careful. Cats are like crack.
By the way, if you can’t find one at the pound, I’ve got this sweet, cute cat that needs a home …

Yeah, I know, I’ve had this dog for 14 years and nobody knows what he looks like, but I made sure the digital camera had batteries this morning 'cause I’m bringing home a kitty! I feel a little happy-goofy about it, but then again that might be because I accidentally got up an hour early this morning - I actually made it to work before I figured out what was going on. Possibly the cat has already infected my brain with fuzzy thinking.

I don’t care what color it is or anything, though, I just want a nice happy cat. I hear black ones are harder to adopt out because people avoid them, is that really true? I wouldn’t mind a black one. I think if it’s a boy I’ll name it Dewey, because I might as well give in to my professional image.

When did Columbia get a Craigslist? Man, I’m getting old. Things are sneaking up on me.

If I don’t find a pound kitty to save from certain death, I’ll definately consider yours! I bet they have a ton and a half of pound kitties, though, this time of year.

Come on 'fess up, there is no point denying it, you are a pussy lover.

Subliminal Guy here has it right. You can tell yourself you’re not a cat person, but that doesn’t mean it’s true!

Things you need to know:

  • Just because they have small noses, that doesn’t mean they can’t leave nose prints on your windows.

  • Dogs like to eat cat shit. It’s like caviar to them. I’m just sayin’.

  • The Kitty Bed idea is a nice concept, but I’ve found that they prefer to sleep on one’s head.

Do dogs eat cat vomit, too, and vice versa? I’m just sayin’, that would reduce my domestic problems. Because the dog won’t always eat his own, and sometimes when I’m waiting for him to I forget and step in it.

You just don’t understand. You don’t choose to be a cat person. Cats choose you to be a cat person. It isn’t through any obvious mechanism, but they have a sort of telepathy, and they all intercommunicate with one another. They know a dog person when they see one. They deliberately pick one and they focus their little kitty mind energies on that someone and slowly work their power. Every time you saw a cat, passed one on the street, saw one staring at you from a window, that was them. The cats. Subverting you. Implanting thoughts. You know, cats aren’t all that bad, you begin to think. They are cute. They are affectionate. It’s adorable when they chase pieces of string or bat things around the room or shred your leather couch or vomit on your white shag because they ate too fast. It is all by way of working you over for that inevitable moment: I want a cat.

I speak from experience. The wife and I have spent several years now resisting the telepathically-induced desire to get a fifth.

You have been chosen. You are now beyond the ability to control or defeat it. You are one of us. Welcome.

One of us … one of us … one of us …

This is true. I used to be a dog person. Until I was anointed by kitten spit. I’m now among the true believers.

Same goes for me. I was a dog lover for 23 years. The Cats have shown me the way now and they’re making me repent for all those wasted years.

Oh, and I tried the bitter apple stuff. Unless it’s applied constantly and consistently for like, a week or two, I’ve found it doesn’t accomplish much.

What I really would like to find is something that will keep one of my cats the hell off the headrest of my leather chair. It already looks like it was attacked by a porcupine, but I’d like to keep that from turning into “attacked by a bear.”

I can’t wait to see pictures of your new kitty overlord!

And thanks for going to a shelter. You get extra Karma points that way.

While you’re there - orange cats rock. Of course, so do black ones, and tabby ones, and tuxedo ones…

I just hope this doesn’t turn out like the plants. I used to never understand the plant people, either. Then I got a house and my garden ate my life. Right now at work I have seven plants. Seven! We’re only technically allowed one! I have a tiny little cubicle!

About the plants, too. I don’t have many houseplants at home, and the ones I have aren’t on the toxic list, except my peace lily. I haven’t decided what to do with it yet. Is it possible, with foil and sprays and stuff, to keep a cat off a toxic plant? (How toxic is a peace lily to a cat, anyway? Obviously I don’t want the cat to get hurt, but it’s a nice plant, too.)

I have just one thought here: Kitty. Kitty kitty kitty kittykittykittykitty KITTY!11!

Hitler kitty! :eek: :wink: If you weren’t so far away, I’d offer you one of the kittens I have as I haven’t been able to find homes for them yet. (One of them’s solid black just like his mama.)

Huh! This is interesting to me because I was adopted by a kitten (we are talking TINY CAT) about a month ago. She is the cutest thing in the entire world, which is crazy because I like DOGS. Cats are okay, but not nearly as good as dogs. However, I moved from the town I was staying in to my new town a couple weeks later, and Kiki had to be left behind (couldn’t carry everything I owned AND a cat). I’m going back to visit this weekend and I know my host mom will want me to bring the kitten back here with me.

Am undecided. I like the kitten! But I am allergic to cats. And I will only be in Bulgaria for two years.

I don’t know what to do.

As for bitter apple, our one chewer (he like cords) LOVES the taste of bitter apple. I got some on my hands and he spent fifteen minutes licking my fingers and lightly chewing on my fingertips.

Yes, I let him do it for 15 minutes.