Somehow, this past weekend, I’ve gotten it unshakeably in my head that I want a cat.
You don’t understand. I am a dog person. I’m not one of those bi-animal types. I don’t even like cats. But somewhere along the line I decided I’d like my cat. Kind of like kids - I don’t really care for children, but if I had one I’d like it. Just not those other snotnosed brats.
I’ve got a dog that is not gonna like this. He’s 14, although a very spry 14, he’s grumpy, he’s set in his ways, he’s actually a little crazy and can’t be in the room with my boyfriend. He is not going to be on board with this cat thing, probably. I can keep them seperated, if necessary, although obviously it would be best if I didn’t have to. But I guess Hap is just going to have to deal, because something deep in my stupid brain has decided I just can’t live another day without a cat.
I’m getting off at 4 today to hit the animal shelter. I’m going to the city Kill 'Em All shelter, to save one. (Don’t think I’m being down on the shelter - they work hard for those animals and have to deal with the ones the no-kill shelters won’t take, too. I’d just like to go and save one, if I have a choice.) I want an adult shorthair cat, laid back and affectionate. Declawed a plus. (Yeah, I wouldn’t declaw an unaltered cat, but if they’ve got one already… I mean, I own a piano with ivory keys. It’s an antique. The elephant is already dead.) I didn’t even know there was a declawing argument before I read it on the SDMB, but okay, okay, I’m convinced! (Also, indoor cat. I promise.)
So, anyway, I’ve never had a cat before. I picked up Cats for Dummies and read it, I’ve got a litter box and a bed and a bowl and some toys and a collar. I need to pick up some of that Bitter Apple stuff. And a spray bottle. My house is a mess and the cat will wreck it, but I get the feeling that I’m coming home with a cat today. Tea and sympathy, anyone?
Please don’t let me turn into one of those cat people. (It’s a professional hazard for librarians.) On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog, but everybody knows what your cat looks like.