I'm getting a tattoo. . .

I’m turning 30 on the 30th. I’ve always wanted a tattoo, and I’ve put it off until I turn 30.

I’ve had quite a few ideas. I’ve decided that I’d like a gaelic pattern in a band around my upper arm to celebrate my heritage. Unfortunately, I can’t find a pattern I like.

Any suggestions? Or at least, tell me about your tattoo experiences. I’m very curious.

I typed out a long reply, then I found this page that pretty much says what I was going to say and goes into more detail.

Siddhartha Vicious

I think it’s incredibly cool that you’ve set that goal for yourself and chosen this way to celebrate your heritage, but my suggestion would be to make your birthday the official opening day of searching for just the right graphic.

You’re about to add a permanent decoration to your body and that’s not something to select because you’re running close to an arbitrary deadline. If you actually find something that you feel is perfect before the 30th, then by all means follow the plan (or am I assuming here) to have it applied on your birthday. If you don’t, don’t make that a failure… better to get it right than to get it on a certain day.

And make sure you’ve checked several tattoo artists and find one that fulfills all the requirements you want in someone who’s going to do this for you.


Eep. Didn’t mean to ignore this thread.

I DO actually have an idea for a tattoo. I have a pattern that I have been thinking about for over a year. I guess I was fishing for suggestions to either complement my idea, or to change it entirely. I’m not really a big liar. And I also said Gaelic when I meant Celtic.

Nonetheless, that’s good advice Dublos, and thanks for the link Koffing. I’ve done considerable research on the net (which is where I found the pattern, by the way), and I did find that site. Good reading. Do either of you two have a tattoo?

How’s about some experiences? Strangely enough, I’m actually looking forward to the pain. Things might change when I’m in the chair and hear the buzz.

When I was a kid, my dad, who got quite a few tattoos when he was in the army, told me that they were put on with needles. I envisioned a picture with needles sticking out of the back that they just slapped on him. It was disturbing.

Just so’s there’s at least one descending voice in the mix, pleeeze reconsider. In my personal opinion, nothing makes a pretty girl ugly like a tattoo.

That was supposed to read “descenting” voice. Blankety blank spell check…

Thanks for the concern, Inky-, but I’m a guy.

And what a guy!

And I think you meant “dissenting.” Just so you know.

Also, I recently read in my local paper that more women than men are getting tattoos.

Oops. Saw in your profile you listed “Stripper” under occupation.

So, know where a fella’ can find a decent tuxedo G-string that doesn’t get all stretched out after a only a few nights fun?

Oops. My previous name was Moebius. I jokingly said I was a stripper. My bad. Actually, I’m studying for the bar (which sucks).

Better change that.

First off women with ink are hot hot hot!

Good advice in the thread so far, not much more to add. I would take your design down to the shop you intend to get it at, and run it by the artists. They are often helpful at fixing it up, or making changes, so its exactly how you want it. As far as the pain goes, depends where you are getting it. The ones I got on the meaty parts were fine, but bone, such as my elbow, and spine were pushing the limits. No matter how much it hurts doesnt really matter, because its not like you’ll stop and have a half finished tattoo anyway. I also agree that while the 30th would be nice, dont rush it, make sure you get exactly what you want. Good luck and take pics so we can see too.

Siddhartha Vicious,

The pain is not all that bad. I have 3 tattoos (and yes i’m still pretty), the ones on the butt were the most painful. The arm is pretty painless. If you stay away from bones (my friend had one done on her foot, it hurt like hell not enough muscles or fat) it should be totally bearable. But one word of advice, it can become addictive, that’s what the guy told me after my first one… you’ll be back… and he was right… i’m thinking of a 4th one now!!! I know what i want just not sure where to put it!!!

Good luck with it… oh btw it itches like hell afterwards… nobody had warned me about that…

I have five. It can be addicting :slight_smile: Anyway, my first was an ankh on my right shoulder. I didn’t get it to be trendy; I’d been thinking about getting an ankh tattoo long before I knew that Goths were anything more than a series of barbarian hordes. Didn’t hurt much at all; it was more of a feeling of discomfort than anything else, and the endorphin buzz was quite nice. Second was a winged scarab on my left shoulder. This was when I found the tattoo artist I’ve been patronizing ever since. Third, and biggest so far, is a winged solar disc with two snakes curling up from the bottom. This tattoo spans my chest, and the bit where it went across my sternum was the closest I’ve come to feeling pain from any of my tattoos, and it’s big enough to have taken two sessions (one for the black outline and one to color it in). It’s also the only one that’s over bone. My fourth tattoo is a small one and another that I’d wanted to get for years: the StarBrand from the New Universe, Marvel Comics’ short-lived line of comic books from the 80s. It’s on the inside of my left arm. My fifth and most recent tattoo is the Autobot and Decepticon symbols arranged like the classic comedy and tragedy masks and surrounded by energy.

As soon as the right combination of income and inspiration hit me, I’ll be getting my sixth. The body’s a temple, and who ever heard of a temple without decorations ;)?