I'm getting braces

At the age of 27 I will be getting braces. They should only be on for about 16 months and will finally correct my gapped teeth. I wish I had gone for this along time ago. It’s really bugged me for a long time. I can afford it so I thought I would take the plunge. It is expensive though, 4800$ CAD. Is a little bit more self confidence worth it? I guess we’ll find out. Anyone else get adult braces?

Hurray for adult braces! I also got mine at age 27, pretty much your same situation…always needed to get them and could finally (mostly) afford it. I was quoted a 2 year…uh…“bracing period”. Of course, I’m coming up on 3 years next month so don’t be too surprised/disappointed if you have to go a little longer than they originally said. Overall, it hasn’t been too painful an experience. The first week or so is a little tough; I had to get over the fear that every little thing I ate was going to make a bracket pop off. That and the fact the first week, and for a couple days after each adjustment, it felt like someone socked me in the face with a softball. I don’t know if you’ve been here:http://www.archwired.com, but it’s a good page for discussing brace stuff and general brace info. I hope you have a good experience with your braces and it’ll totally be worth it when you see your new smile!

I got braces at 25…I’m 50 now. Braces alone couldn’t do the job alone, so I also had jaw surgery and a chin implant. My teeth are perfect and I will never regret it.

I wish you had a picture in your profile so I could see how perfect teeth are supposed to look! :smiley:

I was confused when I saw this thread. Surely Quasi passed his braces years decades ago…

No, wait. Other Quasi. Quasimodal. :smack:

I had them at 30 for two years. I got bonded retainers after that (glued to the inside of the teeth). When I asked the orthodontist how long I’d have to have that, he said as long as I want straight teeth. I am very happy with the results.